Walter Duranty. USSR. The Story of Soviet Russia.

Biblioteca / 1940-1949

Walter Duranty. USSR. The Story of Soviet Russia.

Philadelphia/New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1944.

292 páginas.


1 – “The Occasion Produces the Man”

2 – Rasputin, Kerensky, Lenin.

3 – “Nor Any Chart to Guide Them”

4 – The Hostile Circle

5 – A Temporary Retreat

6 – Gods and Devils

7 – The New Republic.

8 – Lenin Dead and Trotsky Living.

9 – “This Ill-Matched Pair”

10 – Credits and Debits

11 – The Dark Background.

12 – United Effort

13 – The Five-Year Plan: A Weapon

14 – The Plan in Operation

15 – Portrait of a Strong Man

16 – The Agricultural Front

17 – “Man-Made Famine”

18 – Year of Success

19 – The Treason Trials

20 – The Great Purge and National Defense

21 – Woman’s Place

22 – Moscow and Munich

23 – Borrowed Time

24 – The Titanic Struggle

25 – A Promise for the Future
