David Riazanov. Marx and Anglo-Russian Relations and other writings.

Biblioteca / 2000-2009

David Riazanov. Marx and Anglo-Russian Relations and other writings.

Londres: Francis Boutle Publishers / Socialist Platform, 2003.

Publicado originalmente en 1918 por el Sóviet de Diputados Obreros y del Ejército Rojo de Petrogrado.

Traducción: Brian Pearce.

220 páginas.


Foreword / Al Richardson

General introduction / Brian Pearce

DB Riazanov / Brian Pearce

Karl Marx on Anglo-Russian Relations / DB Riazanov


I – The Counter-Revolutionary Role of Britain and Russia in 1848-49

II – Marx on Russo-British Relations

III – The Historical Development of Russia as Depicted by Marx

IV – The Tatar Yoke and the Russian Autocracy

V – The Europeanisation of Russia under the Influence of Trade with England

VI – The Importance of Russian Trade with England

VII – The Great Northern War

VIII – The Anglo-Russian Alliance in the Eighteenth Century

IX – Russia’s Foreign Policy and the Revolution

Marx and Engels on the Polish Question / DB Riazanov

Marx and Engels on the Balkan Question / DB Riazanov

Appendix / Brian Pearce