Apollon Davidson et al, ed. South Africa and the Communist International. A Documentary History.

Biblioteca / 2000-2009

Apollon Davidson – Irina Filatova – Valentin Gorodnov – Sheridan Johns, editors. South Africa and the Communist International. A Documentary History.

Londres: Frank Cass, 2003.

2 tomos: lxi, 304+lxi, 312 páginas.


Volume 1

Socialist Pilgrims to Bolshevik Footsoldiers, 1919-1930


A Note on the Documents

Glossary of Selected Names

Glossary of Selected Organisations

Introduction: Socialist Ideals and Bolshevik Realities: South Africa and the Archives of the Communist International


1 – Report of M. Wolberg to Comintern on 15 April 1920

1a – Appendix to no. 1. Report of Informant of South African Police, 5 April 1919

2 – Report of J. Den Bakker and S. Barlin to ECCI, 25 January 1921 (Extracts from Minutes of Meeting, ECCI)

3 – Letter from J. Den Bakker to ECCI, 12 March 1921

4 – Letter from J. Den Bakker to M. Kobetsky, [March–April 1921]

5 – Letter from W.H. Andrews to S. Barlin, 27 April 1921

6 – Report of S. Barlin to Comintern [April–June 1921]

7 – Letter from W.H. Andrews to G. Zinoviev, 17 May 1921

8 – Letter from D.I. Jones to L. Trotsky, 2 June 1921 (Extract)

9 – Letter from S. Barlin and D.I. Jones to M.V. Kobetsky, 11 June 1921

10 – Statement of South African Delegation to Comintern, 16 July 1921

11 – Letter from D.I. Jones to M. Rakosi, [July–August 1921]

12 – Official Report of First Congress, CPSA. 30–1 July–1 August 1921 (Extracts)

13 – Letter from W.H. Andrews to Comintern, 10 August 1921

14 – Report by D.I. Jones to Comintern, 13 August 1921

15 – Statement by D.I. Jones to ECCI, [September–October 1921]

16 – Minutes of Meeting, Presidium of ECCI, 10 January 1922 (Extract)

17 – Report of D.I. Jones to ECCI, 15 March 1922

18 – Letter from F., member of CPSA, to D.I. Jones, 16–20 March 1922

19 – Statement of D.I. Jones to ECCI, 25 March 1922

20 – Letter from D.I. Jones to O. Kuusinen, [April 1922]

21 – Letter from D.I. Jones to V.I. Lenin, 5 April 1922

22 – Letter from D.I. Jones to Comintern, 9 May 1922

23 – Letter from I. Amter to D.I. Jones, 10 May 1922

24 – Letter from D.I. Jones to G. Zinoviev, 11 May 1922

25 – Letter from D.I. Jones to M. Rakosi, 23 May 1922

26 – Letter from S.P. Bunting to General Secretary, Comintern, 1 January 1923

27 – Letter from D.I. Jones to ECCI, [8 January 1923]

28 – Letter from D.I. Jones to ECCI, 23 March 1923

29 – Report of EC to Second Congress, CPSA, 28 April 1923

30 – Report by S.P. Bunting on 4th Congress of Comintern, 29 April 1923 (Extracts)

31 – Letter from Provisional Secretary for Calling the Negro Conference to Executive Committee, CPSA, 23 July 1923

32 – Letter from Secretary for Calling Negro Conference to CPSA, 15 November 1923

33 – Minutes of Third Congress of CPSA, 27–30 October 1924 (Extracts)

34 – Documents of Fourth Congress of CPSA, 26–8 December 1925 (Extracts)

35 – Proposals of E. Sachs to Comintern, January 1926

36 – Letter from Head of All-Union Society for Cultural Contacts to Krestintern, 29 June 1926

37 – Letter from Krestintern to Eastern Secretariat, ECCI, 30 June 1926

38 – Letter from S.P. Bunting to Secretary, ECCI, 3 November 1926

39 – Report by J. La Guma to Anglo-American Secretariat, ECCI, 10 March 1927 [Extract]

40 – Statement of J. La Guma to Presidium, ECCI, 16 March 1927

41 – Remarks of N. Bukharin to Presidium, ECCI, 16 March 1927 (Extracts)

42 – Resolution of Presidium of ECCI, 16 March 1927

43 – Memorandum of D. Petrovsky to Presidium of ECCI, 17 March 1927

44 – Report of Meeting of Central Executive, CPSA, 7 July 1927 (Extract)

45 – Resolution of Politsecretariat of ECCI, 22 July 1927 (Extract)

46 – Minutes of Bureau Meeting, A-UCP(B) to ECCI, 25 August 1927 (Extract)

47 – Letter from S.P. Bunting to L. Gibarti, League Against Imperialism, [October 1927]

48 – Minutes of Meeting, Anglo-American Secretariat, ECCI, 1 December 1927 (Extract)

49 – Report of Discussion, Meeting of Anglo-American Secretariat, ECCI, 1 December 1927 (Extract)

50 – Draft telegram from ECCI to Sixth Congress, CPSA, 22 December 1927

51 – Letter from W. Demar to Secretariat, ECCI, 24 December 1927

52 – Report of Activities, Anglo-American Secretariat, ECCI, [late 1927 or early 1928] (Extract)

53 – Letter from J. La Guma to V. Demar, 10 January 1928

54 – Letter from D. Petrovsky to J. La Guma, 15 February 1928

55 – Letter from D. Petrovsky to the CPSA, 15 February 1928

56 – Letter from V. Demar to J. La Guma, 22 February 1928

57 – Minutes of Meeting, Executive Committee, CPSA, 15 March 1928

58 – Minutes of Special Meeting, Central Executive Committee, CPSA, 17 March 1928

59 – Minutes of Meeting, Central Executive Committee, CPSA, 12 April 1928 (Extracts)

60 – Minutes of Meeting of the Central Executive Committee, CPSA, 10 May 1928

61 – Minutes of Meeting, Negro Commission, Sixth Congress, Comintern, 11 August 1928 (Extract)

62 – Letter from J. La Guma to D. Petrovsky, 22 August 1928

63 – Amendment to ‘Native Republic’ Slogan Proposed by CPSA Delegation, Sixth Comintern Congress, 25 August 1928

64 – Letter from J. La Guma to D. Petrovsky, 30 August 1928

65 – Minutes of Meeting, Central Executive Committee, CPSA, 20 September 1928 (Extracts)

66 – Resolution of Political Secretariat, ECCI, 19 October 1928 (Extract)

67 – Report of V. Danchin and W. Kalk to Anglo-American Secretariat, ECCI, [5 December 1928] (Extract)

68 – Letter from Anglo-American Secretariat, ECCI, to Central Executive Committee, CPSA, 14 December 1928

69 – Letter from T.W. Thibedi, 7 January 1929

70 – Letter from A. Nzula to R.P. Arnot, ECCI, 19 March 1929

71 – Report of B. Idelson to ECCI, August 1929 (Extract)

72 – Note by B.I. Idelson, 10 August 1929

73 – Circular of League of African Rights, 1 September 1929

74 – Report of D.G. Wolton to ECCI, 20 September 1929

75 – Report of B. Idelson to ECCI, 25 September 1929 (Extract)

76 – Letter from Maphutseng Lefela to Profintern, 9 October 1929

77 – Draft Telegram, Political Secretariat, ECCI to CPSA, 15 October 1929

78 – Coded Telegram from S.P. Bunting to Comintern, 25 October [1929]

79 – Letter from E. Roux to ECCI, 30 October 1929

80 – Statement of Executive Bureau, CPSA, to Colonial Committee, CPGB, 5 November 1929

81 – The Daily Mail about the Role of Comintern in Events in South Africa, 20 November 1929

82 – Draft telegram, CPGB to CPSA, 10–11 December 1929

83 – Letter from A. Nzula to ECCI, 11 December 1929

84 – Letter from Krestintern to Maphutseng Lefela, 2 February 1930

85 – Letter from J. Tsuene to D. Banderas, 25 March 1930

86 – Letter from Presidium, ECCI, to CPSA, 25 April 1930 (Extracts)

87 – Proposals of Eastern Secretariat, ECCI, to Political Commission, ECCI, 20 May 1930

88 – Letter from ECCI to CPSA, 10 September 1930 (Extracts)

89 – Report of E.S. Sachs to ECCI, 8 October 1930

90 – Minutes of Ninth Conference, CPSA, 26–8 December 1930 (Extracts)


Volume 2

Bolshevik Footsoldiers to Victims of Bolshevisation, 1931-1939

Glossary of Selected Names

Glossary of Selected Organisations

A Note on the Documents

Introduction: The Documents in Volume II

1 – Letter from Negro Bureau to Eastern Secretariat, 1931

2 – Letter from J. Gumede to International Secretariat, League Against Imperialism, 1931

3 – Report by J. Ford to European Secretariat, RILU, 21 February 1931 (Extracts)

4 – Lener from ECCi to Central Committee, CPSA, 20 June 1931 (Extracts)

5 – Report of A. Nzula to ECCi on Situation in CPSA, 5 August 1931

6 – Resolution of Political Secretariat, ECCi, 18 October 1931 (Extracts)

7 – Autobiography of M. Kotane [late 1931]

8 – Instruction for Eugene Dennis, ECCi Emissary to CPSA [19 January 1932]

9 – Lener from S.P. Bunting to ECCi, 10 February 1932

10 – Report of D. Wolton to ECCi, 7 April 1932 (Extracts)

11 – Letter from ECCi to S.P. Bunting, 15 July 1932

12 – Minutes of Meeting of Political Commission, Political Secretariat of ECCI, 15 July 1932 (Extracts)

13 – Lener from E. Dennis to ECCi, 16 July 1932 (Extracts)

14 – Resolution of CPSA, July 1932 (Extracts)

15 – Letter from E. Dennis to ECCi, 22 July 1932

16 – Letter from E. Dennis to Comintern, 22 October 1932

17 – Lener from S.P. Bunting to ECCi, 26 October 1932

18 – Report of Committee of Opponents of PB, CPSA to ECCI, 13 November 1932

19 – Minutes of Meeting of African CPSA Members, 13 November 1932

20 – Speech of A. Nzula at World Congress, International Red Aid (MOPR), 18 November 1932

21 – Lener from M. Kotane to Comintem, 30 November 1932

22 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCi, 1 April 1933

23 – Report to Comintern, 8 June 1933

24 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCI, 3 August 1933

25 – Letter from M. Kotane to Communist Party of Great Britain, 12 September 1933

26 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCi, 9 January 1934

27 – Obituary of A. Nzula by J.B. Marks, 22 February 1934

28 – Letter from M. Kotane to Politbureau, CPSA, 23 February 1934

29 – Letter from a Group of Johannesburg Communists to PB, CPSA, 27 February 1934

30 – Letter from D.G. Wolton to ECCI, 13 March 1934 (Extracts)

31 – Letter from D.G. Wolton to ECCI, 13 March 1934

32 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCI, 11 April 1934

33 – Minutes of Special Meeting, Johannesburg Branch, CPSA, 24 May-2 June 1934 (Extracts)

34 – Resolutions of Political Commission, ECCI, 3 June 1934

35 – Letter from Comintern to CPSA, 27 June 1934

36 – Letter from L. Bach to PB, CPSA, 9 July 1934

37 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCI, 10 July 1934

38 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCI, 31 October 1934

39 – Letter from J. Marks to ECCI, 1934

40 – Letter from M. Kotane to ECCI, 20 February 1935

41 – Letter from J. Gomas to H. Haywood, 18 March 1935

42 – Letter from J.B. Marks to ECCI, 15 July 1935

43 – Letter from E. Roux to J. Gomas, 12 September 1935

44 – Telegram from M. Kotane, J. Gomas and E. Roux to ECCI, 14 September 1935

45 – Letter from J. Gomas to ECCI, 16 September 1935 (Extract)

46 – Telegram from Five CPSA Members to ECCI, 17 September 1935

47 – Letter from Kuusinen and Marty to CPSA, [14-20 September 1935]

48 – Report of E. Mofutsanyana to ECCI, 20 September 1935

49 – Letter from E. Roux and Others Communists to ECCi, 20 September 1935 (Extracts)

50 – Telegram from E. Mofutsanyana to ECCI, 22 September 1935

51 – Report of E. Mofutsanyana to ECCI, 25 September 1935

52 – Letter from E. Roux to ECCI, 12 November 1935

53 – Statement by E. Roux to ECCI, November 1935 (Extracts)

54 – Statement of L. Bach to South African Commission, 23 November 1935 (Extracts)

55 – Circular Letter – Invitation to a Meeting of Anglo-American Secretariat, 27 December 1935

56 – Report of M. Kotane to Anglo-American Secretariat, 31 December 1935

57 – Autobiography of J. Mpama, [1936]

58 – Autobiography of L. Bach, 10 February 1936

59 – Draft Resolution Prepared by ECCI for Adoption by 9th Congress of CPSA, 25 February 1936

60 – A. Marty’s Report to G. Dimitrov, 11 March 1936

61 – Address of A. Marty to South African Commission, 13 March 1936

62 – J. Mpama’s Statement to South African Commission, 13 March 1936

63 – Resolution of Secretariat of ECCi on the Situation in CPSA, 17 March 1936

64 – M. Kotane’s Statement to South African Commission, 19 March 1936

65 – Statement of J. Mpama to South African Commission, 19 March 1936

66 – Statement of A. Marty to South African Commission, 19 March 1936 (Extracts)

67 – Programme of Action Proposed to CPSA, 19 March 1936

68 – Letter from M. Kotane to G. Hardy, 1 September 1936

69 – Minutes, Sixth Conference, CPSA, 5-6 September 1936 (Extracts)

70 – Address of J. Mpama to Sixth National Conference, CPSA, September 1936 (Extract from Conference Minutes)

71 – Letter from J.B. Marks to ECCI, [1936]

72 – Minutes of Politbureau, CPSA, 26 January 1937

73 – Report of G. Hardy to ECCI, 9 February 1937

74 – Address of A. Marty to his Secretariat, 11 March 1937

75 – Statement of A. Marty and Responses, A. Marty’s Secretariat, 17 March 1937

76 – Decision of Secretariat, ECCI, 3 April 1937

77 – Letter from I. Wolfson to the Comintern, 15 April 1937

78 – Letter from I. Wolfson to the Comintern, 23 April 1937

79 – Letter from A. Marty to G. Dimitrov, May 1937

80 – Minutes of Meeting, PB of CPSA, 11 June 1937

81 – Minutes of Meeting, Politbureau, CPSA, 12 June 1937

82 – Report of I. Wolfson to CPGB, October 1937 (Extract)

83 – Letter from H. Pollitt to A. Marty, 1 November 1937

84 – Decisions of Meeting in Paris, 4 November 1937

85 – Statement of H. Basner to A. Marty, 5 November 1937

86 – Report of R. Michel to A. Marty, 16 November 1937

87 – Letter from P. Kerrigan to ECCI, 17 November 1937

88 – Letter from R. Naumann to G. Dimitrov, 3 December 1937

89 – Minutes of Central Committee of the CPSA, 31 December 1937-3 January 1938 (Extract)

90 – Report of A. Marty to G. Dimitrov, 6 February 1938

91 – Report of P. Kerrigan to ECCI, [May 1938]

92 – Resolution of Central Committee, CPSA, 29 December 1938-2 January 1939

93 – Minutes of Colonial Committee, CPGB, 21 February 1939 (Extracts)