E. Shore – Fones-Wolf – J. Danky, eds. The German-American Radical Press.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999

Elliott Shore – Ken Fones-Wolf – James Danky, editors. The German-American Radical Press. The Shaping of a Left Political Culture, 1850-1940.

Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992. 

235 páginas.



I – The Radical Editors

A Profile of Editors of the German-American Radical Press, 1850-1910 / Hartmut Keil

II – From 48er Radicalism to a Working-Class Press

Franz Schmidt and the Freie Blätter of St. Louis, 1851-53 / Steven Rowan

The 48ers and the Politics of the German Labor Movement in Chicago during the Civil War Era: Community Formation and the Rise of a Labor Press / John Jentz

The German Press and Working-Class Politics in Gilded-Age Philadelphia / Ken Fones-Wolf – Elliot Shore

III – A Press and a Culture

Arbeiterpresse und Arbeiter bewegung: Chicago’s Socialist and Anarchist Press, 1870-1900 / Bruce Nelson

The Pionier Calendar of New York City: Chronicler of German- American Socialism / Carol Poore

Women’s Pages in the German-American Radical Press, 1900-1914: The Debate on Socialism, Emancipation, and the Suffrage / Ruth Seifert

IV – Radical Visions

Robert Reitzel, Der Arme Teufel / Richard Oestreicher

Ludwig Lore and the New Yorker Volkszeitung: The Twilight of the German- American Socialist Press / Paul Buhle

The German-American Labor Press and Its Views of the Political Institutions in the United States / Dirk Hoerder

Envoi / Moses Rischin

Appendix: List of Editors/Journalists of German-American Radical Press Papers, 1865-1914 / Hartmut Keil

Selected Bibliography