José Martí. En los Estados Unidos. Periodismo de 1881 a 1892.

París: ALLCA XX, 2003.

J. Robert Constantine, ed. Letters of Eugene V. Debs.

Urbana/Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990.

David Shannon. The Socialist Party of America. A History.

Nueva York: Macmillan, 1955.

David Austin, ed. You Don’t Play With Revolution. The Montreal lectures of C.L.R. James.

Oakland/Edimburgo: AK Press, 2009.

Jack Ross. The Socialist Party of America. A Complete History.

Lincoln: Potomac Books/University of Nebraska Press, 2015.

Eleanor Marx – Edward Aveling. The Working-Class Movement in America.

Londres: Swan Sonnenshein, 1888.

David Myers, ed. Toward a History of the New Left.

Brooklyn, NY: Carlson, 1989.

Massimo Teodori, ed. The New Left: A Documentary History.

Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1969.

Wilhelm Weitling (Magdeburgo, 1808 – Nueva York, 1871)


Charles Fourier (Besanzón, 1772 – París, 1837)
