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Harvey Mitchell – Peter Stearns. Workers and Protest.

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Jürgen Kuczynski. The Rise of the Working Class.

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Albert Lindemann. A History of European Socialism.

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Dick Geary. European Labour Politics from 1900 to the Depression.

Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, 1991.

Douglas Moggach – Gareth Stedman Jones, eds. The 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Filippo Buonarroti (Pisa, 1761 – París, 1837)


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Nueva York: Basic Books, 1972

Enrique Palazuelos. Cuando el futuro parecía mejor.

Madrid: Akal, 2018.

Henri Minczeles. Histoire générale du Bund.

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