Fried – Sanders, eds. Socialist Thought.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969   1990-1999

Albert Fried – Ronald Sanders, eds. Socialist Thought: A Documentary History.

Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1964. 560 páginas.

2da edición aumentada, New York: Columbia University Press, 1992.


I – General Introduction

II – Early French Communism

1 – Introduction

2 – Morelly

3 – Jean Jacques Rousseau

4 – “Gracchus” Babeuf

III – Utopian Socialism

1 – Introduction

2 – Saint-Simon

3 – The Saint-Simonians

4 – Charles Fourier

5 – Robert Owen

IV – The Emergence of the Proletarians

1 – Introduction

2 – Chartism

3 – Louis Auguste Blanqui

4 – Pierre Jaseph Proudhon

5 – Louis Blanc

V – Early German Socialism

1 – Introduction

2 – Johann Fichte

3 – Moses Hess

VI – Marx and Engels

1 – Introduction

2 – Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844

3 – Theses of Fauerbach

4 – To J. Weydemeyer

5 – Preface to the Critique of Political Economy

6 – Inaugural Adress of the Workingmen’s International Association

7 – To L. Kugelmann

8 – Engels’s Explanation of Capital

9 – To F. Bolte

10 – Engels: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

11 – Engels: To F. Mehring

VII – Anarchism

1 – Introduction

2 – Michael Bakunin

3 – Peter Kropotkin

4 – Syndicalism

5 – Guild Socialism

VIII – Revisionism

1 – Introduction

2 – Ferdinand Lassalle

3 – Fabian Socialism

4 – Jean Jaurès

5 – Alexandre Millerand

6 – Eduard Bernstein

7 – Karl Kautsky

X – Bolchevism

1 – Introduction

2 – Georgi Plekhanov

3 – Vladimir Lenin

4 – Karl Kautsky

5 – Leon Trotsky

6 – Joseph Stalin

X – Contemporary Socialism: Two Views

1 – Introduction

2 – Antonio Gramsci

3 – C.A.R. Crosland

XI – Newer Currents in Socialist Thought [incorporado en la edición de 1992]

1 – Introduction

2 – André Gorz

3 – Zillah Eisenstein

4 – Cornel West

5 – Samir Amin

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