Friedrich Sorge. Labor Movement in the United States.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979  1980-1989

Friedrich A. Sorge. Labor Movement in the United States

Estos dos volúmenes reúnen en inglés los artículos de Sorge sobre el movimiento obrero en los Estados Unidos publicados en la revista de la socialdemocracia alemana Die Neue Zeit, entre 1891 y 1896, bajo el título Der Arbeiterbewegung in den Vereinigten Staaten.

Primer libro: Friedrich A. Sorge’s Labor Movement in the United States. A History of the American Working Class from Colonial Times to 1890. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1977, 425 páginas. Edición de Philip Foner y Brewster Chamberlin. Traducción de B. y A. Chamberlin.

Segundo libro: Friedrich A. Sorge’s Labor Movement in the United States. A History of the American Working Class from 1890 to 1896. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987, 220 páginas. Traducción de Kai Schoenhals.

Friedrich Adolph Sorge (1828–1906)



Friedrich Adolf Sorge: “Father of Modern Socialism in America”, by Philip Foner


Chapter I

Beginnings of Trade Unionism

Chapter II

The Labor Movement, 1830-1840

Chapter III

The Labor Movement, 1840-1850

Chapter IV

The Labor Movement, 1850-1860

Chapter V

The Labor Movement, 1860-1866

Chapter VI

The Labor Movement, 1866-1876

Chapter VII

The Labor Movement, 1877-1885

Chapter VIII

The Labor Movement, 1886-1892

Chapter IX

The Two Major Labor Organizations

Chapter X

Homestead and Coeur d’Alene

Chapter XI


Appendix: Socialism and the Worker [1876] by Friedrich Sorge



1 – Buffalo

2 – Tennessee

3 – April 1893

4 – Domestic Market—Financial Crisis of 1893—Silver and Tariff Legislation—Sugar and Tariff Legislation—Sugar Trust

5 – Judicial Power and Practice in the United States, 1894-1895

6 – The Labor Movement, 1893 and 1894

7 – The American Railway Union and the Pullman Strike

8 – The Investigation Committee—Postscript

9 – The Report on the Chicago Strike of June-July 1894 by the United States Strike Commission

10 – The Annual Convention of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor

11 – The Strike in Brooklyn and Other Events

12 – The Labor Protective Laws and the Law-Abiding Citizens of Illinois/Socialism

13 -The Labor Movement in 1895

14 – The Presidential Election

15 – Strikes and the Progress pf Socialist Party

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