Gregory Claeys. From Moral Economy to Socialism, 1815-1860.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989

Gregory Claeys. Machinery, Money and the Millennium. From Moral Economy to Socialism, 1815-1860.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.

280 páginas.

Este libro representa una reevaluación largamente esperada de la historia del primer pensamiento económico socialista. Utiliza una gran cantidad de panfletos y periódicos recientemente descubiertos que arrojan nueva luz sobre el desarrollo de las ideas económicas radicales en el siglo XIX.

El autor traza las desviaciones de Robert Owen y sus seguidores de la tradición cristiana de la economía moral, es decir, la regulación de la economía por criterios morales. Basando sus argumentos en la jurisprudencia de la época, el autor analiza el desarrollo de la tradición que llevó del owenismo y el cartismo a las primeras ideas de Marx y Engels.

Este estudio erudito y perspicaz será de gran importancia para cualquier persona interesada en la historia de la economía política y en la historia del socialismo y del pensamiento del siglo XIX en general.



Socialism and the Crisis of the Nineteenth Century

I – Economic Distress and the Rise of Socialism

II – Scope and Intentions

III – Socialism: Lockean, Smithian, Ricardian, Owenite

IV – Owenism, History and Civilization

V – Organization

Chapter One

Just Exchange, Charity and Community of Goods

Explorations in the History of Property Theories before 1815

I – The Moral Economy and Community of Goods. Fair Exchange, Fust Price and the Right to Charity

II – Property, Labour and Poverty, 1650-1780

III – Radicalism and Commercial Society, 1790-1815

IV – Civilization, Property and the Origins of Socialism

Chapter Two

Robert Owen

The Machinery Problem and the Shift from Employment to Justice

I – Assessing the Problem, 1800-20

II – Providing a Solution, 1821-58

III – Moral and Political Economy in Owen’s Thought

Chapter Three

George Mudie

The Quest for Economic Socialism

I – The Earliest Owenite Economic Writings

II – Mudie as the ‘Economist’

III – The Later Years

Chapter Four

William Thompson

From ‘True Competition’ to Equitable Exchange

I – Voluntary Exchange or Community of Goods?

II – The Fate of Competition, 1825-31

III – Utility and Equitable Exchange

Chapter Five

John Gray

Planning, Money and the Commercial Utopia

I – The Lecture on Human Happiness Productive Labour and Rational Restraint

II – Central Planning, Competition and Justice

III – From ‘Standard’ Production to the Money Problem

Chapter Six

Owenism, Land Nationalization and the Labour Movement, 1830-60

I – The Core Doctrines of Owenite Thought

II – The Development of Non-Owenite Socialism to 1860

Chapter Seven

From Owenism to Marxism

Engels and the Critique of Political Economy, 1842-46

I – Engels, Owenism and Political Economy

II – Marx, Engels and Owenism


Socialism, Moral Economy and Civilization

I – Poverty and the Collapse of Moral Economy

II – Socialism and Moral Economy

III – Economic Socialism and Political Economy
