Irving Howe – Lewis Coser. The American Communist Party: A Critical History (1919-1957).

Biblioteca / 1950-1959

Irving Howe – Lewis Coser. The American Communist Party: A Critical History (1919-1957).

Nueva York: Praeger, 1957.

Reimpresión, Boston: Beacon Press, 1958.

2da edición aumentada, 1962, Praeger. x, 612 páginas.




I – Sources of American Radicalism

II – Underground Communism: Disorder and Early Sorrows

III – A Plunge into American Politics

IV – The Party Becomes Stalinized

V – Ultra-Leftism in the Early Thirties

VI – The Dual Unions: Heroism and Disaster

VII – The Intellectuals Turn Left

VIII – The Popular Front: Success and Respectability

IX – World War II: Are the Yanks Coming?

X – The Cold War: Repression and Collapse

XI – Toward a Theory of Stalinism

An Epilogue