James McGuire. Peronism Without Perón.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 

James McGuire. Peronism Without Perón. Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina. 

Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997.

xvii, 388 páginas.


1 – Peronism, Party Institutionalization, and Democracy

2 – Sectoral Elites and Political Parties Before Perón

3 – Peronism and Its Legacy

4 – Peronism, Proscription, and the Rise of Augusto Vandor

5 – Vandor Versus Perón

6 – Revolution, Restoration, and Repression

7 – The Rise and Fall of Renewal Peronism

8 – Free-Market Reform and Political Shenanigans

9 – Distributive Conflict, Party Institutionalization, and Democracy