Paula Alonso. The Origins of the Argentine Radical Party in the 1890s.

Biblioteca /  2000-2009

Paula Alonso. Between Revolution and the Ballot Box. The Origins of the Argentine Radical Party in the 1890s.

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

240 páginas.



1 – The Political Arena

The Consolidation of Argentine Institutions

Economic and Social Transformations

Creole Politics

The PAN’s Political Discourse

2 – Mounting an Opposition

The Presidency of Juárez Celman (1886-1890)

The Rise of the Unión Cívica

The Revolution of 1890

3 – The Short-Lived Unión Cívica

Organizing a Political Party

Committees and Conventions

The Agreement

4 – The Radicals in Action: Part I

The Radical Leaders

A Time for Revolution

The Revolutions of July 1893

The Revolutions of August and September 1893

5 – The Radicals in Action: Part II

Principles in Conflict

The Electoral Performance of the Radical Party

The Radicals in Congress

6 – The Decline of the Radical Party

The Beginning of the Decline

Irigoyen versus Yrigoyen

Yrigoyen’s Radical Party


Appendix 1. A Chronology of Political Parties and Factions, 1862-1910

Appendix 2. Details of the Members of the National Committee of the UCR in 1892

Appendix 3. Property Values in Buenos Aires, 1890-1898


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