Miklós Molnár. A Short History of the Hungarian Communist Party.

Boulder: Westview Press/Folkestone: Dawson, 1978.

Iván Völgyes, ed. Hungary in Revolution, 1918-19. Nine Essays.

Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1971.

Richard Grunberger. Red Rising in Bavaria.

Londres: Arthur Barker, 1973.

Rosa Leviné-Meyer. Leviné: The Life of a Revolutionary.

Farnborough: Saxon House, 1973.

Anna Uroyeva. For All Time and All Men.

Moscú: Progress Publishers, 1969.

The Life of Robert Owen by Himself.

Londres: G. Bell and Sons, 1920.

G.D.H. Cole. The Life of Robert Owen.

Londres: Ernest Benn, 1925.

Clara Lida. Antecedentes y desarrollo del movimiento obrero español, 1835-1888.

Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1973.

Nicolás Dip. Movimientos estudiantiles en América Latina.

Buenos Aires: CLACSO; IEC-CONADU, 2023.

Miklós Molnár. El declive de la Primera Internacional.

Madrid: Edicusa, 1974.