Harvey Mitchell – Peter Stearns. Workers and Protest.

Itasca: Peacock Publishers, 1971.

Jürgen Kuczynski. The Rise of the Working Class.

Londres: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967.

Peter Stearns. Lives of Labour. Work in a Maturing Industrial Society.

Londres: Croom Helm, 1975.

Albert Lindemann. A History of European Socialism.

New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.

Dick Geary. European Labour Politics from 1900 to the Depression.

Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press International, 1991.

Ivy Pinchbeck. Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850.

Londres: Virago, 1985.

Daniel James. Resistencia e integración.

Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1990.

Nora Cortiñas: retazos de una vida incomparable.

Buenos Aires: Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo, 2023.

Eduardo Luis Duhalde. El Estado Terrorista argentino.

Barcelona: Argos Vergara, 1983.

Diccionario del peronismo, 1955-1969.

Universidad Nacional de San Martín/CEDINPE, 2021.