Rex Wade, editor. Documents of Soviet History, vol. 3.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999

Rex Wade, editor. Documents of Soviet History, vol. 3. Lenin’s Heirs, 1923-1925.

Gulf Breeze, Florida: Academic International Press, 1995.

xiv, 400 páginas.






1 – The Theatrical Situation in Soviet Russia-An Assessment by Lunacharsky. 1923

2 – Club and Factory Theaters. 1923

3 – Administrative Exile. 3 January 1923

4 – Lenin, «Better Fewer, But Better.» 2 March 1923

5 – Religion and the Soviet State-Trial of the Catholic Clergy. 22 March-2 April 1923

6 – Resolution on Anti-Religious Agitation and Propaganda. 25 April 1923

7 – On Party Organization-12th Party Congress. 25 April 1923

8 – Resolution on the Nationality Question. 25 April 1923

9 – The Best Soviet Teachers. April-June, 1923

10 – The Closing of a Monastery. 16 May 1923

11 – The Anti-Religious Campaign: «The Religious Foolishness.» 25 May 1923

12 – Implementing the New Nationality Policy. 12 June 1923

13 – A Public Disputation of Futurism and the Arts. July 1923

14 – The Famine: Resolution of Appreciation for the American Relief Administration. 10 July 1923

15 – Trotsky on Culture and Problems of Life. 10 July 1923

16 – Habits and Custom. 11 July 1923

17 – «Vodka, the Church and the Cinema.» 12 July 1923

18 – The Party Leadership Denounces Trotsky and the Forty-Six for Factionalism. 27 October 1923

19 – People’s Commissariat of Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate. 12 November 1923

20 – Formation of the OGPU-The Unified State Political Administration. 15 November 1923

21 – Zinoviev on the Party and Workers’ Democracy. 1 December 1923

22 – «On Building the Party»-Attempted Compromise Between Trotsky and the Trimvirate. 5 December 1923

23 – American Refusal to Recognize the Soviet Government. 6-18 December 1923

24 – Trotsky, The New Course-I: Letter to the Central Committee. 8-10 December 1923

25 – Zinoviev’s Rejoinder to Trotsky’s «New Course» Letter. 15 December 1923

26 – Stalin Responds to the Critics of the Party Leadership. 15 December 1923

27 – The Immediate Tasks of Economic Policy. 24 December 1923

28 – Trotsky, The New Course-II. 28 and 29 December 1923

29 – An Oppostion Critique of the Party’s Economic Policy. 29 December 1923



30 – Party Denunciation of Trotsky, The Other Oppositionists and «Petty Bourgeois Tendencies.» 18 January 1924

31 – «Farewell, Ilyich»-The Party Leaders Eulogize Lenin. 26 January, 1924

32 – The Constitution of the U.S.S.R. 31 January 1924

33 – Resolution of the Congress of Soviets on Diplomatic Recognition by Great Britain. 2 February 1924

34 – Rakovsky’s Speech at the Opening of the Anglo-Soviet Conference. 14 April 1924

35 – Stalin, The Foundations of Leninism. April 1924

36 – Agreement Between China and the U.S.S.R. 31 May 1924

37 – The Party on Press and Literature. 31 May 1924

38 – Trotsky, Literature and Revolution. 29 July 1924

39 – Agreement between the U.S.S.R. and the Autonomous Government of the Three Eastern Provinces of China. 20 September 1924

40 – Statement by Karakhan Regarding the Return of the Chinese-Eastern Railroad to the Soviet Union. 5 October 1924

41 – The «Zinoviev Letter» and Relations with Great Britain. 24 October 1924

42 – Rakovsky Denounces the «Zinoviev Letter.» 25 October 1924

43 – Trotsky-Lessons of October. November 1924

44 – «How One Should Not Write the History of October.» 2 November 1924

45 – Kamenev-The Party and Trotskyism. 18 November 1924

46 – Stalin-Leninism or Trotskyism? 19 November 1924

47 – Chamberlain Elaborates British Objection to Soviet Behavior. 21 November 1924

48 – Soviet Reply to Chamberlain’s Note and Denunciation of the «Zinoviev Letter.» 28 November 1924

49 – Soviet Response to the British Note Renouncing the Trade Treaty. 28 November 1924

50 – Preobrazhensky, The Law of Primitive Socialist Accumulation. November 1924

51 – Bukharin on the Economic Controversy and the Defense of NEP. 12 December 1924

52 – Stalin, Socialism in One Country Versus Permanent Revolution. 17 December 1924



53 – An Approved List of Proletarian Literature. January 1925

54 – Chicherin on British-Soviet Relations. 4 January 1925

55 – Trotsky’s «Resignation.» 15 January 1925

56 – Trotsky’s Dismissal from his Military Positions. 17 January 1925

57 – Stalin’s Speech to the Plenum of the Central Committee on the Army and International Affairs. 19 January 1925

58 – Convention and Economic Cooperation Between Japan and the U.S.S.R. 20 January 1925

59 – Stalin on Lenin. 21 January 1925

60 – Stalin on the International Situation and the Tasks of the Communist Parties. 22 March 1925

61 – The Central Committee Resolution on Literature. 18 June 1925

62 – Chicherin on Events in China and Relations with Great Britain. 1 July 1925

63 – Trotsky Repudiates Eastman’s Account of the Political Struggle in the Soviet Union. 1 July 1925

64 – Agreement Between Poland and the U.S.S.R. Regarding the Settlement of Frontier Disputes. 3 August 1925

65 – Control Figures for the Soviet Economy, 1925-1926. October 1925

66 – The Soviet Union and the League of Nations. 23 November 1925

67 – The Fourteenth Party Congress-Reports and Debates. 18-23 December 1925

68 – The Fourteenth Party Congress Endorses the Stalin-Bukharin Leadership. 23 December 1925

69 – The Attack on Zinoviev’s Control of the Leningrad Party Organization. 28 December 1925

70 – Rules of the All-Union Communist Party. 31 December 1925

Documents by Main Topics


Sources Cited




Index of Personal Names

Index of Subjects

Index of Institutions

Index of Geographic and Place Names

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