Robert J. Conklin. Thomas Cooper, the Chartist (1805-1892).

Biblioteca / 1930-1939

Robert J. Conklin. Thomas Cooper, the Chartist (1805-1892).

Manila: University of the Philippines Press, 1935.

vii, 482 páginas.


I – Childhood

II – Shoemaking

III – Self-Education

IV – Lincoln Experiences

V – London Venture

VI – The Leicester Stockingers

VII – Chartism: The First Phase

VIII – The Chartist Convent

IX – The General Election of 1841

X – The Shakesperean Chartist Association Chartist Commission

XI – Quarrels With The Corn Law League and Complete Suffrage Union

XII – The Plug Plot of 1842

XIII – The Pottery Riots

XIV – The Manchester Conference Cooper’s Arrest and First Trial

XV – The Complete Suffrage Union Conference

XVI – Cooper’s Second Trial and Prison Sentence

XVII – The Prison Experience

XVIII – The Purgatory of Suicides

XIX – Finding a Publisher

XX – The Pacifist Lectures

XXI – Critic of Chartism and Newspaper Correspondent

XXII – The London Lectures

XXIII – The Year of Revolutions

XXIV – The Plain Speaker

XXV – Cooper’s Journal and Captain Cobler

XXVI – Alderman Ralph and the Family Feud — The End of Secular Lecturing

XXVII – Return to Christianity

XXVIII – Beginning of Evangelization Work — Debates With Leaders of Free Thought

XXIX – Handbooks on Christian Evidences and Published Sermons — Paradise of Martyrs — Collected Poetical

Works — Thoughts at Fourscore

XXX – The Death of Mrs. Cooper