Ronaldo Munck (1951)

Autores / M

Ronaldo Munck

(Buenos Aires, 1951)

1984 – Politics and Dependency in the Third World: The Case of Latin America.

1984 – Revolutionary Trends in Latin America.

1984 – Formation and Development of the Working Class in Argentina (1857-1919), en Munslow y H. Finch (eds.) Proletarianisation in the Third World. Londres, Croom Helm.

1985 – Ireland: Nation, State and Class Conflict.

1986 – The Difficult Dialogue: Marxism and Nationalism.

1987 – Belfast in the Thirties: An Oral History (con R. Bolton).

1987 – Argentina: From Anarchism to Peronism: Workers, unions and politics 1855-1985 (con R. Falcón y B. Galitelli). Londres, Zeed Books.

1987 – The Labour Movement in Argentina and Brazil: A Compartive Perspective, en International labour and the Third World. Aldershot (Ingl.), Brookfield.

1988 – The New International Labour Studies.

1989 – Latin America: The Transition to Democracy.

1993 – The Irish Economy: Results and Prospects.

1998 – Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalisation: Alternative Unions Models in the New World Order (co-editor con Peter Waterman).

1999 – Critical Development Theory: Contributions to a New Paradigm (co-editor con Denis O’Hearn).

2000 – Marx @ 2000: Late Marxist Perspectives.

2002 – Globalisation and Labour: The New ‘Great Transformation’.

2003 – Contemporary Latin America.

2005 – Globalization and Social Exclusion: a Transformationalist Perspective.

2006 – Globalisation and Contestation: The Great Counter-Movement.

2008 – Globalisation and Migration: New Conflicts, New Politics.

2009 – Globalisation and Security (co-editor con Honor Fagan).

2011 – Globalisation, Migration and Social Change in Ireland: After the Celtic Tiger (co-editor con Bryan Fanning)

2013 – Rethinking Latin America: Development, Hegemony and Social Transformation. Londres, Palgrave-Macmillan.

2015 – Water and Development: Good governance after Neoliberalism.

2017 – Marx 2020 After the Crisis. Londres, Zeed Books.

2017 – Marx 2020. Barcelona, Pasado y Presente.

2021 – Rethinking Development: Marxist Perspectives. Londres, Palgrave Macmillan.

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