Stuart Schram, ed. Chairman Mao Talks to the People.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979

Stuart Schram, editor. Chairman Mao Talks to the People. Talks and Letters: 1956-1971.  

Nueva York: Pantheon Books, 1974. 

360 páginas.

Traducción: John Chinnery y Tieyun.

Publicado originalmente en Gran Bretaña como Mao Tse-tung Unrehearsed: Talks and Letters: 1956-71, por Penguin Books, Londres.



Note on the texts

1 – On the Ten Great Relationships

2 – Chairman Mao’s Talk to Music Workers

3 – Speech at the Supreme State Conference (Excerpts)

4 – Talks at the Chengtu Conference

5 – Speech at the Group Leaders’ Forum of the Enlarged Meeting of the Military Affairs Committee (Excerpts)

6 – Speech at the Lushan Conference

7 – Speech at the Enlarged Session of the Military Affairs Committee and the External Affairs Conference

8 – Talk at an Enlarged Central Work Conference

9 – Speech at the Tenth Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee

10 – Remarks at the Spring Festival (Summary Record)

11 – Talk on Questions of Philosophy

12 – China’s Great Leap Forward

13 – Directive on Public Health

14 – Speech at Hangchow

15 – Talks with Mao Yüan-hsin (1964-6)

16 – Talk to Leaders of the Centre

17 – Speech at a Meeting with Regional Secretaries and Members of the Cultural Revolutionary Group of the Central Committee

18 – A Letter to the Red Guards of Tsinghua University Middle School

19 – Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Eleventh Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee

20 – Talk at the Report Meeting

21 – Talk at the Central Work Conference

22 – Talk at a Meeting of the Central Cultural Revolution Group

23 – Talks at Three Meetings with Comrades Chang Ch’un-ch’iao and Yao Wen-yüan

24 – Address at the Opening Session of the Ninth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

25 – Talk at the First Plenum of the Ninth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party

26 – Summary of Chairman Mao’s Talks with Responsible Comrades at Various Places during his Provincial Tour