The Founding Convention of the IWW.

Biblioteca / 1900-1909   1960-1969

The Founding Convention of the IWW: Proceedings.

Nueva York: Merit Publishers, 1969.

Reimpresión de Proceedings of the First Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World. New York: Labor News Company, 1905.


Publisher’s Note

Index of Subjects

Index of Speakers

First Day, Morning Session

First, Day, Afternoon Session

Second Day, Morning Session

Second Day, Afternoon Session

Third Day, Morning Session

Third Day, Afternoon Session

Fourth Day’s Session

Fifth Day’s Session

Sixth Day, Morning Session

Sixth Day, Afternoon Session

Seventh Day, Morning Session

Seventh Day, Afternoon Session

Eighth Day, Morning Session

Eighth Day, Afternoon Session

Ninth Day, Morning Session

Ninth Day, Afternoon Session

Tenth Day, Morning Session

Tenth Day, Afternoon Session

Eleventh Day’s Session
