A. Živković – D. Plavšić, eds. The Balkan Socialist Tradition and the Balkan Federation, 1871-1915.

Biblioteca / 2000-2009

Andreja Živković – Dragan Plavšić, eds. The Balkan Socialist Tradition: Balkan Socialism and the Balkan Federation, 1871-1915.

Revolutionary History, Vol. 8, No. 3.

Londres: Porcupine Press, 2003.



Andreja Živković, General Introduction

I – The Origins of the Balkan Socialist Tradition: Between Populism and Marxism

Dragan Plavšić, Introduction

Svetozar Marković, Serbia In the East

Svetozar Marković, Slav Austria and Serb Unity

Hristo Botev, On Discord Among the Balkan Peoples

II – Marxism and the Eastern Ouestion: Challenging the 30 Orthodoxy 1896-97

Dragan Plavšić, Introduction

Rosa Luxemburg, Social Democracy and the National Struggles In Turkey

Wilhelm Liebknecht, Statement

Karl Kautsky, The Eastern Question and Social Democracy

Wilhelm Liebknecht, Crete and Social Democracy

Eduard Bernstein, Crete and the Russian Danger

Christian Rakovsky, The Eastern Question and the International Socialist Party

III – Bulgarian Socialism and the Macedonian National Liberation Movement, 1903-08

Andreja Živković, Introduction

Dimo Hadzhi Dimov and Dimitûr Mirazchiev, After Ilinden

Dimitûr Blagoev, On the Macedonian Question

A. Gorov, Once Again on the Macedonian Question

IV – The Revolution in Turkey and the Balkan Federation

Andreja Živkovič, Introduction

Christian Rakovsky, The Turkish Revolution

Dimitûr Blagoev, The Revolution in Turkey and Social Democracy

Dimo Hadzhi Dimov, Our Political Standpoint

The Balkan Federation and the Workers

The Nationalist Struggles and Socialism

V – The Annexation of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary in 1908

Dragan Plavšič, Introduction

Otto Bauer, Austria’s Foreign Policy and Social Democracy

Dimitrije Tucovič, Austria-Hungary in the Balkans

Dimitrije Tucovič, German Socialism and the German Danger

Arbeiter-Zeitung, War?

Dimitrije Tucovič, What We Say

Dimitrije Tucovič and Karl Renner, Debate on Bosnia

VI – The Balkan Federation and Balkan Social Democracy

Andreja Živkovič, Introduction

Karl Kautsky, The National Tasks of Socialists Among the Balkan Slavs

Resolution of the First Balkan Social Democratic Conference

Dimitrije Tucovič, The First Balkan Social Democratic Conference

Christian Rakovsky, Towards a Balkan Entente

Dimitûr Blagoev, Political Prospects

Christian Rakovsky, The Balkan Confederation and the Turkish-Bulgarian Defensive Alliance

Dimitûr Blagoev, The Balkan Conference and the Balkan Federation

VII – The Balkan Wars of 1912–13 and the Balkan Federation

Dragan Plavšič, Introduction

Christian Rakovsky, Manifesto of the Socialists of Turkey and the Balkans

Triša Kaclerovič, Memoirs of the First Balkan War

Hristo Kabakchiev, From Victory to Defeat

Dimitrije Tucovič, Serbia and Albania

VIII – The First World War and the Balkan Federation

Dragan Plavšič, Introduction

Dragiša Lapčevič, Against War

Dušan Popovič, Serbian Social Democracy in the War

The Second Balkan Social Democratic Conference – Manifesto

The Second Balkan Social Democratic Conference – Discussion

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