Andrew Lees. Revolution and Reflection. Intellectual change in Germany during the 1850’s.

Biblioteca /  1970-1979

Andrew Lees. Revolution and Reflection. Intellectual change in Germany during the 1850’s.

La Haya: M. Nijhoff, 1974.

220 páginas.


I – Introduction

The Problem and the Approach

The Politics of German Intellectuals in the Vormärz and the Revolution

A Typology of the Intellectuals in the 1850’s

II – The Public Orientations of Scholarship

From Philosophy to History

Tradition and Departures in the Social Sciences

III – Debates About The Recent Past

Liberal Self-praise

The Democratic Millennium

The Conservative Critique of the Forces of Revolution

From Political Narrative to Social Analysis

IV – Political Hopes and Fears

Arguments over the Distribution of Power within the State

The National Questions

V – Conflicting Answers to the Social Questions

The Short Answers of the Classical Liberals

The Varieties of Group Solidarity and Group Self-help

Moderate Proposals for Positive Action by the State

The Postrevolutionary Advocacy of Socialism

VI – Conclusion

Appendix: The Men and Their Works

Secondary Bibliography

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