Deborah Bernstein. Constructing Boundaries. Jewish and Arab Workers in Mandatory Palestine.

Biblioteca / 2000-2009

Deborah Bernstein. Constructing Boundaries. Jewish and Arab Workers in Mandatory Palestine. 

Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.

290 páginas.




Current Approaches and New Directions

The Split Labor Market Theory and Its Historical Grounding

Part I

The Split Develops

1 – The Split Labor Market of Mandatory Palestine: Actors, Sectors, and Strategies

Demographic and Social Trends

Jewish and Arab Labor

The Differential Value of Jewish and Arab Labor

The Economic Sectors of Palestine


From Sectors Back to Actors

Alternative Strategies

2 – Haifa— Growing and Growing Apart

Early Tremors of Growth

Expanding Communities and New Neighborhoods

Haifa—the Political Context

Spheres of Cooperation and the Pull of Segregation

Arab and Jewish Labor

To Conclude

Part II

In the Labor Market

3 – Construction— Competing at the Work Site

Construction—Fluctuation and Scope

Dilemmas of Organization

Wages and Competition

The Borowski Building

To Conclude

4 – Manufacturing Industry—Almost Separate

Trends in Manufacturing in Palestine

Haifa—the Center of Heavy Industry

When Working Together

To Conclude

5 – The Haifa Port—Entering the Gateway

The Haifa Port and the Issue of Jewish Labor

The Labor Force of the Haifa Port—Major Trends

Exporting the Citrus Crates

In the Customs Transit Shed

Working Together, Acting Together?

To Conclude

6 – The Palestine Railways: “Here We Are All Natives…” or the Limits of Cooperation

Trends in the Labor Force of the Palestine Railway

The Palestine Railway and Its Internal Organization

Wage and Conditions of Service

Joint Action and Joint Organization

To Conclude

