David Beetham, ed. Marxists in Face of Fascism.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 David Beetham, editor. Marxists in face of Fascism. Writings by Marxists on Fascism…

Karl Radek. Portraits and Pamphlets.

Londres: Wishart Books, 1935.

Karl Radek. In den Reihen der deutschen Revolution, 1909-1919.

Múnich: Kurt Wolff, 1921.

Karl Bremer [Karl Radek]. Der nahende Zusammenbruch der deutschen Bourgeoisie und die K.P.D.

Hamburgo: Carl Hoym Nachf. Louis Cahnbley, 1921.

Jean-François Fayet. Karl Radek (1885-1939).

Biblioteca / 2000-2009 Jean-François Fayet. Karl Radek (1885-1939). Biographie politique. Berna: Peter Lang, 2004. TABLE DES…