León Trotsky. Cómo se armó la revolución.

Buenos Aires: CEIP-IPS, 2006.

Leon Trotsky. Social Democracy and Wars of Intervention in Russia, 1918-21.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Leon Trotsky. Social Democracy and Wars of Intervention in Russia, 1918-1921. Londres: New…

Tariq Ali-Phil Evans. Trotsky for Beginners.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989   2000-2009 Tariq Ali – Phil Evans. Trotsky for Beginners. Londres: Writers and Readers,…

Léon Trotsky. Histoire de la Révolution russe.

Biblioteca /  1930-1939 Léon Trotsky. Histoire de la Révolution russe. París: Rieder, 1933/34. Cuatro tomos: 320+350+480+570…

Trotsky and His Critics.

Biblioteca / 2010-2019 Trotsky and His Critics. Revolutionary History, Vol. 11, N° 1. Londres: Merlin Press,…

Kenneth Ackerman. Trotsky in New York, 1917.

Biblioteca / 2010-2019 Kenneth Ackerman. Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of…

Baruch Knei-Paz. The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Baruch Knei-Paz. The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky. Oxford, GB: Clarendon…

C. Talès. La Commune de 1871.

Biblioteca / 1920-1929 C. Talès. La Commune de 1871. Paris: Librairie du Travail, 1921. 210 páginas.…

Deutscher – Novack, eds. The Age of Permanent Revolution: A Trotsky Anthology.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969 Isaac Deutscher – George Novack, eds. The Age of Permanent Revolution: A Trotsky…

Dunn – Radice (eds.) 100 Years of Permanent Revolution: Results and Prospects.

London: Pluto Press, 2006.