G. Adhikari (ed.) Documents of The History of The Communist Party Of India.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979

G. Adhikari (ed.) Documents of the History of the Communist Party of India.

Nueva Dehli: People’s Publishing House, 1971.

Volumen I: 1917-1922. 650 páginas.

Volume II: 1923-1925. 750 páginas


Volume One


General Introduction to Documents of 1917-1920


Virendranath Chattopadhyayas Contacts with Leaders of October Revolution

1. Virendranath Chattopadhyaya’s Speech

2. Chattopadhyaya’s Letter to Krupskaya and Reply

3. Telegram of Indian National Committee of Stockholm to the Petrograd Soviet


First Two Indians to Meet Lenin and Address an International Meeting in Petrograd

1. Proclamation by the People’s Commissaries in Moscow Addressed to the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs in Turkestan

2. Speech of Jabbar Khairy at the International Meeting Held in Petrograd on 5 Dec. 1918


References to India and Colonial Question at the Inaugural Congress of Comintern

1. On the International Situation and the Policy of Entente

2. Manifesto of the Inaugural First Congress of the Communist International

Lenin Meets Delegation of Indian Revolutionaries

3. Mahendra Pratap on Interview with Lenin

Barakatullah’s Interview to “Petrograd Pravda”

4. “Afghanistan and India” (Talk with Prof Barakatullah)

Barakatullah’s “Bolshevism and the Islamic Nations”

5. Concluding Portion of “Bolshevism and the Islamic Nations”


Shafiq’s Pro-Communist Journal in Tashkent

1. Translation of Urdu Section of “Zamindar”

Roy’s Manifesto to Indian Revolutionaries

2. “An Indian Communist Manifesto”

Lenin on Roy’s Supplementary Colonial Theses

3. Roy’s Original Draft and Adopted Text of Supplementary Theses

4. Discussion on Roy’s Theses in the Second Congress

Lenin’s Theses on National and Colonial Questions in the Second Congress

5. Theses on the National and Colonial Questions Adopted hy the Second Congress

The First AITUC Manifesto to Workers of India

6. Manifesto to the Workers of India

Formation of CPI in Tashkent

7. Documents of the Communist Party of India in Tashkent


Introductory Note

Communist University in Moscow

1. Communist University for the Toilers of the East

2. A Delegation of Indian Revolutionaries Visits Moscow

3. India at the Third Congress of the Comintern

S. A. Dange’s “Gandhi vs Lenin”

4. “Gandhi vs Lenin” (Excerpts)

5. Dange on “Gandhi Vs Lenin”

Second Session of the AITUC

6. Documents of Jharia AITUC Session

On the Eve of Ahmedabad Congress Session

7. “Present Events in India”

Communist Manifesto to Ahmedabad Congress

8. Manifesto to the Indian National Congress, Ahmedahad, 1921


Roy’s “India in Transition”

1. “India in Transition” (Excerpts)

Earlier Articles in “Inprecor” on India by M. N. Roy and others

2. “Inprecor” Articles

“The Vanguard of Indian Independence”

3. Articles from “The Vanguard”

4. “The Political Situation in India” by M. N. Roy

First Communist Journal in India

5. S. A. Dange’s “The Socialist”

India and Colonial Question at the Fourth Comintern Congress

6. Documents of Fourth Comintern Congress

Gaya Session of National Congress

7. Documents Regarding Gaya Congress and After


Volume Two



1 Review of the Gaya Session and the Split in the Congress

2 Peshawar Conspiracy Cases

3 Protest against Chauri Chaura Prosecutions and Sentences

4 Third Session of the AITUC and the Working-class Struggles

5 Genesis of Workers’ and Peasants’ Party of India

6 On the Aftermath of Noncooperation

7 Articles from the “Socialist” and “Vanguard”

8 On the Eve of the Cocanada Congress


1 India Mourns the Death of Lenin

2 Political Situation after Cocanada

3 Kanpur Bolzhevik Conspiracy Case

4 Strike Struggles and Fourth Session of the AITUC

5 India at the Fifth Comintern Congress

6 Organising the Communist Pasty in the Face of Repression

7 Gandhiji, C. R. Das and the Revolutionaries

8 Belgaum Session of National Concress


1 Repression and the Activities of the Revolutionaries

2 Birkenhead’s Challenge and Nation’s Reply

3 Working-Class Struggles of 1925

4 Communist Party of India and the Communist International in 1925

5 The First Indian Communist Conference in Kanpur

6 Labour-Swaraj Party — Forerunner of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Party

7 The Kanpur Session of the Indian National Congress


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