Helmut Trotnow. Karl Liebknecht (1871-1919).

Biblioteca / 1980-1989

Helmut Trotnow. Karl Liebknecht (1871-1919): A Political Biography.  

Hamden: Archon Book, 1984, 290 páginas.

Edición original, Karl Liebknecht. Eine Politische Biographie. Cologne: Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1980.



1 – The Family Background

Growing Up in the «Political Family»

The Friends of the Family

As His Father’s Political Successor

2 – The Social Democratic Attorney

Political Activity

Political Theory and Tactics

3 – The Social Democratic Politician

The Campaign against Militarism

The Youth Movement

The Fight against Prussia

The Campaign against Tsarism

The Campaign against the Threat of War

4 – The Antiwar Campaigner and Revolutionary

Reaction to the War

Antiwar Politics

The November Revolution and the January Uprising


Karl Liebknecht and the «Studies on the Laws of Motion of Social Development»

Origins Contents


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