Issac Deutscher. Soviet Trade Unions.

Biblioteca / 1950-1959

Issac Deutscher. Soviet Trade Unions. Their Place in Soviet Labour Policy.

Londres: Oxford University Press, 1950.

ix, 156 páginas.



1 – Trade Unions under Tsardom

Lenin on Trade Unions

Trade Unions in the 1905 Revolution and After

2 – Trade Unions and the Revolution

After the October Revolution

Debates at the First Trade Union Congress

Trade Unions in the Civil War

‘Point Five’ of the 1919 Programme

Individual Management and Labour Armies

The Trade Union Controversy at the Tenth Party Congress

Proletarian Dictatorship, Proletarian Democracy, and Trade Unions

3 – The New Economic Policy

Transition to NEP

Trade Unions under NEP

4 – Planned Economy

Transition to Planned Economy

Trade Unions and Planned Economy

5 – Machinery and Organization of Trade Unions

6 – The Tenth Trade Union Congress

7 – Road to Serfdom?


Statute of the Soviet Trade Unions