Jean Chesneaux, ed. Mouvements populaires et sociétés secrètes en Chine aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

Biblioteca /  1970-1979

Jean Chesneaux, ed. Mouvements populaires et sociétés secrètes en Chine aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

París: Maspero, 1970.

Edición en inglés, Popular Movements and Secret Societies in China, 1840-1950. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1972. 340 páginas.


Secret Societies in China’s Historical Evolution / JEAN CHESNEAUX

Some Religious Aspects of Secret Societies / GUILLAUME DUNSTHEIMER

The Secret Societies of Kwangtung, 1800-1856 / FREDERIC WAKEMAN

The Anti-Manchu Propaganda of the Triads, ca. 1800-1860 / BORIS NOVIKOV

Taiping Relations with Secret Societies and with Other Rebels / C. A. CURWEN

The Making of a Rebel: Liu Yung-fu and the Formation of the Black Flag Army / ELLA S. LAFFEY

Some Notes on the Ko-lao Hui in Late Ch’ing China / CHARLTON M. LEWIS

The Ko-lao Hui and the Anti-Foreign Incidents of 1891 / GUY PUYRAIMOND

The Hung Hu-tzu of Northeast China / MARK MANCALL – GEORGES JIDKOFF

Notes on the Early Role of Secret Societies in Sun Yat-sen’s Republican Movement / LILIA BOROKH

Triads, Salt Smugglers, and Local Uprisings: Observations on the Social and Economic Background of the Waichow Revolution of 1911 / WINSTON HSIEH

Secret Societies, Popular Movements, and the 1911 Revolution / JOHN LUST

The Red Spears in the Late 1920’s / ROMAN SLAWINSKI

Secret Societies and Peasant Self-Defense, 1921-1933 / LUCIEN BIANCO

The I-kuan Tao Society / LEV DELIUSIN

Bibliography of Works Concerning Secret Societies


1 – Secret Societies

2 – Persons Connected with Secret Societies

3 – Secret Society Terminology

4 – Chinese and Japanese Authors of Works Listed in the Bibliography

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