Diane Koenker, William Rosenberg, Ronald Suny, editors. Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
450 páginas.
I – Civil War and Social Revolution
New Perspectives on the Civil War / Sheila Fitzpatrick
Civil War and the Problem of Social Identities in Early Twentieth-Century Russia / Leopold Haimson
II – The Social and Demographic Impact of the Civil War
Introduction: Social and Demographic Change in the Civil War / Diane Koenker
“The City in Danger”: The Civil War and the Russian Urban Population / Daniel Brower
Urbanization and Deurbanization in the Russian Revolution and Civil War / Diane Koenker
The Effects of the Civil War on Women and Family Relations / Barbara Evans Clements
Commentary: The Elements of Social and Demographic Change in Civil War Russia / William Rosenberg
III – Administration and State Building
Introduction: Bolshevik Efforts at State Building / Victoria Bonnell
The Petrograd First City District Soviet during the Civil War / Alexander Rabinowitch
Bread without the Bourgeoisie / Mary McAuley
State Building in the Civil War Era: The Role of Lower-Middle Strata / Daniel Orlovsky
The Rationalization of State Kontrol’ / Thomas Remington
Commentary: Administration and State Building / Ronald Grigor Suny
IV – The Bolsheviks and the Intelligentsia
Introduction: The Bolsheviks and the Intelligentsia / Peter Kenez
The Professoriate in the Russian Civil War / James McClelland
Natural Scientists and the Soviet System / Kendall Bailes
Intellectuals in the Proletkult: Problems of Authority and Expertise / Lynn Mally
Commentary: The Revolution and the Intellectuals / Diane Koenker
V – Workers and Socialists
Introduction: Workers and Socialists / Allan Wildman
Social Democrats in Power: Menshevik Georgia and the Russian Civil War / Ronald Grigor Suny
The Social Background to Tsektran / William Rosenberg
Commentary: Circumstance and Political Will in the Russian Civil War / Reginald Zelnik
VI – The Legacy of the Civil War
The Legacy of the Civil War / Sheila Fitzpatrick
The Civil War: Dynamics and Legacy / Moshe Lewin