Manfred Hildermeier. The Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party Before the First World War.

Biblioteca / 2000-2009

Manfred Hildermeier. The Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party Before the First World War.  

Münster/New York: Lit Verlag/St. Martin’s Press, 2000.

395 páginas.


Preface to the English Edition


1. The Merger of the Neo-Populists (1893-1901)

Forerunner Organizations Inside Russia

Realignments Among Exile Populists

The Founding of the PSR and the Programmatic Consensus

2. Theory, Program, and Fundamental Forms of Action of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party (1902-1905)

Political Terror

Theory of Class

Theory’of Revolution

The Party Program

Socialization of the Land

Minimal and Maximal Programs

Summary: The “Synthetic Point Of View”

3. The Construction of a Party Organization and the Beginnings of Socialist Revolutionary Agitation in Russia (1902-1905)

Territorial Expansion

The Center in Russia

Priorities of Agitation

Relations between PSR in Russia and the Foreign Organization

4. The Maximalist Heresy (1904-1906)

Agrarian Terrorists

The Moscow Opposition

The Organization, Theory and Dispersion of Maximalism 

5. PSR Tactics in the Revolution of 1905-1907: Between Agitation for Revolt and Peaceful Opposition

Militant Agitation

Experiment in Legalism

The Test: SR Agitation and the Missed Revolution in 1906

A Failed Putsch: SR Agitation in the Army

Principled Boycott: The PSR Position on the State Duma

“Fighting Tactics” Instead of Trade Unionism: SR Agitation Among the Workers 

6. The SR Party Organization in the Revolution of 1905-1907

The Draft: Central and Local Party Statutes

Construction of the Party Organization


The Practical Work of the Party Leadership

Centralism vs. Federalism

7. The PSR at the Grassroots: Activities and Organization of Local Committees in the Russian Revolution of 1905-1907

Agitation in the City and Countryside: a Survey

The Volga Area


The Central Industrial Region


South Russia

The Don Region

North Russia

The Urals


The Caucasus

The Northern Caucasus Region

The Far East Oblast Union of the PSR




Organizational Problems and Internal Conflicts

Membership Strength and Social Geography of the PSR

8. Party Finances

9. The Social Characteristics of the PSR

Generations of the PSR

Education and Social Structure

10. The Dilemma of the Socialist Revolutionary Organization

11. The Agony of the Socialist Revolutionary Organization (1907-1914)

12. The Crisis of the PSR: Differences of Opinion over the Lessons of the Revolution and the Formation of Factions

The Immobility of the Party Center

New Opposition: Neo-Maximalists and Liquidators

Party Split: Legal Socialist Revolutionaries 

New Forms of Social Action and the Crisis of the Socialist Revolutionaries’ Revolutionary Agitation

Individual Terror: Anachronistic Politics

Decay of the Obshchina and the Crisis of the Socialist Rvolutionary Program

The Missed Connection

13. The PSR and Modernization: Was There a Populist Alternative?


A. Chronology

B. Short Biographies