Mark Traugott. Armies of the Poor.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989

Mark Traugott. Armies of the Poor. Determinants of Working-Class Participation in the Parisian Insurrection of June 1848.

Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1985.

320 páginas.



ONE. The June Days of 1848 in Historical Perspective

The Parisian Economy in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Economic Crisis and the February Revolution

Chronology of the Early Second Republic

The June Insurrection in Historical Perspective

TWO. The Constitution and Composition of the Parisian Mobile Guard

From the Barricades of February to the Barricades of June

Expectations of Mobile Guard Political Orientation

Contemporary Views of Mobile Guard Composition

The Empirical Investigation of Mobile Guard Composition

The Cohort Hypothesis

THREE. An Organizational Analysis of Mobile Guard Political Orientation

The Constitution of the Mobile Guard Officer Corps

Practical Grievances

Mobile Guard Isolation


FOUR. The Transformation of the National Workshops from Instrument of Cooptation to Insurrectionary Core

The National Workshops as a Comparative Case

The Workshops’ Role in the June Insurrection

Social Composition of the National Workshops

Changing Political Orientation, February to June

FIVE. Organizational Determinants of National Workshops’ Political Orientation

Practical Grievances

Coherence of the Officer Corps

The Abrupt End to Workshops Isolation

SIX. The Organizational Analysis of the June Days

Explanations from Economic Factors

Explanations from Differences in Age

The Organizational Hypothesis

Concluding Remarks

Methodological Appendix: Procedures Used to Construct the Mobile Guard Sample