Philip S. Foner, ed. Helen Keller, Her Socialist Years: Writings and Speeches.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969

Philip S. Foner, editor. Helen Keller, Her Socialist Years. Writings and Speeches.

Nueva York: International Publishers, 1967.

128 páginas.


Introduction / Philip S. Foner

How I Became a Socialist

In Defense of Fred Warren

Social Causes of Blindness

To an English Woman-Suffragist

The Unemployed

To the Strikers at Little Falls, New York

The Hand of the World

A Call for Harmony

Why President Wilson Must Fail

To the Editor of the New York Evening Sun

A New Light is Coming

New Vision for the Blind

Brutal Treatment of the Unemployed in Sacramento

Introduction to Arrows in the Gale, Poems by Arturo Giovannitti

Why Men Need Woman Suffrage

To President Woodrow Wilson: Joe Hill

Birth Control

The Ford Peace Plan is Doomed to Failure

Menace of the Militarist Program

Strike Against War

Why I Became an IWW

To the New York Call

The New Woman’s Party

To Morris Hillquit

What is the IWW?

In Behalf of the IWW

To Eugene V. Debs

End the Blockade of Soviet Russia

To President Woodrow Wilson: Blockade of Russia

A Plea for the Recognition of Soviet Russia

Onward, Comrades!

Help Soviet Russia

The Rand School

To Senator Robert M. La Follette

The Only Kind of War I Believe In

The Spirit of Lenin