Philip Pomper. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. The Intelligentsia and Power.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Philip Pomper. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. The Intelligentsia and Power. Nueva York: Columbia…

Arnd Krüger – James Riordan, eds. The Story of Worker Sport.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Arnd Krüger – James Riordan, editors. The Story of Worker Sport. Champaign, IL:…

Michael Melancon. The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914-1917.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Michael Melancon. The Socialist Revolutionaries and the Russian Anti-War Movement, 1914-1917. Columbus: Ohio…


Biblioteca 2020-2029 2020 Santiago | Ivette Lozoya López. Intelectuales y revolución. Científicos sociales latinoamericanos en el…

Chris Ward. Stalin’s Russia.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Chris Ward. Stalin’s Russia. Londres: Arnold, 1993. 2da edición, 1999. 300 páginas. Contents…

Chris Ward. Russia’s Cotton Workers and the New Economic Policy.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Chris Ward. Russia’s Cotton Workers and the New Economic Policy. Shop-floor culture and…

Stephen Coleman. Daniel De Leon.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Stephen Coleman. Daniel De Leon. Manchester University Press, 1990. 200 páginas. Contents Preface…

Georges Duveau. 1848.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969 Georges Duveau. 1848. París: Gallimard, 1965. Edición en inglés, 1848: The Making of a…

John Moses. Trade Union Theory from Marx to Walesa.

Nueva York: Berg, 1990.

Mark Traugott. Armies of the Poor.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 Mark Traugott. Armies of the Poor. Determinants of Working-Class Participation in the Parisian…