Pero Morača (ed.) Proleter, 1929-1942.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969 Pero Morača (ed.) Proleter: Organ Centralnog komiteta Komunističke partije Jugoslavije, 1929-1942. Belgrado: Institut…

G. Haupt – J. Jemnitz – L. van Rossum (Hrsg.) Karl Kautsky und die Sozialdemokratie Südosteuropas.

Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, 1986.

Isaac Deutscher. Marxism, Wars and Revolutions.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 Isaac Deutscher. Marxism, Wars and Revolutions. Essays from Four Decades. Editado por Tamara…

Isaac Deutscher. Russia, China, and the West.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Isaac Deutscher. Russia, China, and the West. A Contemporary Chronicle, 1953-1966. Editado por…

Isaac Deutscher. Heretics and Renegades.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969   1970-1979 Isaac Deutscher. Heretics and Renegades. Nueva York: Coward-McCann, 1957. Bajo el título…

Margaret Dewar. The Quiet Revolutionary.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 Margaret Dewar. The Quiet Revolutionary. Londres: Bookmarks, 1989. 225 páginas. Margaret Dewar (1901–1995)…

Marek Edelman. The Ghetto Fights.

Biblioteca / 1940-1949   1990-1999 Marek Edelman. The Ghetto Fights. Warsaw 1943-45. Varsovia, 1945. Nueva York: American…

Autogestion n° 3

Hemeroteca / A / Autogestion (Francia, 1966-1977) Autogestion n° 3 – Septembre 1967 Paris: Éditions Anthropos.…

Robert Morris. Class and Class Consciousness in the Industrial Revolution 1780-1850.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Robert Morris. Class and Class Consciousness in the Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850. Londres: Macmillan,…

Peter Ranis. Argentine Workers.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Peter Ranis. Argentine Workers. Peronism and Contemporary Class Consciousness. University of Pittsburgh Press,…