Clara Zetkin. Selected Writings.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989   2010-2021 Clara Zetkin. Selected Writings. New York: International Publishers, 1984. Chicago: Haymarket Books,…

Mark Kruger. The St. Louis Commune of 1877.

Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2021.

William Sewell. Work and Revolution in France.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989   1990-1999 William Sewell. Work and Revolution in France: The Language of Labor from…

Georges Duveau. La vie ouvrière en France sous le Second Empire.

Biblioteca / 1940-1949 Georges Duveau. La vie ouvrière en France sous le Second Empire. París: Gallimard,…

A. Lees – L. Lees, eds. The Urbanization of European Society in the Nineteenth Century.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Andrew Lees – Lynn Lees, eds. The Urbanization of European Society in the…

Ralph Greenlaw, ed. The Social Origins of the French Revolution.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Ralph Greenlaw, ed. The Social Origins of the French Revolution: The Debate on…

Kenneth Logue. Popular Disturbances in Scotland, 1780-1815.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Kenneth Logue. Popular Disturbances in Scotland, 1780-1815. Edimburgo: J. Donald, 1979. 290 páginas.…

John Stevenson. Popular Disturbances in England, 1700-1870.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979   1990-1999 John Stevenson. Popular Disturbances in England, 1700-1870. Londres: Longman, 1979. 380 páginas.…

Michel Vovelle. Les sans-culottes marseillais.

Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, 2009.

Pasado y presente del anarquismo y del anarcosindicalismo en Colombia.

Biblioteca / 2010-2021 Centro de Investigación Libertaria y Educación Popular (editor). Pasado y presente del anarquismo…