Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Volume 2.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979

Richard Gregor, editor. The Early Soviet Period, 1917-1929.

University of Toronto Press, 1974.

390 páginas.


Editor’s Preface



Sessions of the Central Committee (November)

[On the Soviet Parties and the New Government]

[On Negotiations for a Coalition Government]

On the Question of the Opposition within the Central Committee


VII Special Party Congress (March)

On War and Peace

On Changing the Name of the Party and the Party Programme

On the Refusal of the ‘Left Communists’ to Serve on the Central Committee


VIII Party Congress (March)

Programme of the RKP(b)

On the Military Question

On the Organizational Question

VIII Party Conference (December)

Rules of the RKP(b)


IX Party Congress (March-April)

On the Question of the Trade Unions and their Organization

IX Party Conference (September)

On Current Tasks of Party Construction


X Party Congress (March)

On Party Unity

On the Syndicalist and Anarchist Deviation in Our Party

On the Control Commissions

On the Role and Tasks of Trade Unions

On the Replacement of the Requisitions with a Tax in Kind

X Party Conference (May)

On Economic Policy

Instruction to RKP Cells of the Red Army and Navy in the Rear and at the Front

On the Agitation and Propaganda Section of the Central Committee

XI Party Conference (December)

On the Current Tasks of the Party in Connection with the Restoration of the Economy

On the Question of Strengthening the Party in Connection with a Study of the Experience of the Verification of its Personnel


XI Party Congress (March-April)

On the Central Committee Report

The Role and the Tasks of Trade Unions under the Conditions of NEP

On the Strengthening of the Party and its New Tasks

Regulation on the Control Commissions

Regulation on the Central Revision Commission

On the Question of the Russian Communist Youth League

On the Press and Propaganda

On Certain Members of the Former Workers’ Opposition

XII Party Conference (August)

Rules of the RKP(b)


XII Party Congress (April)

On the Central Committee Report

On Industry

On Tax Policy in the Countryside

On the Organizational Question

On the Work of the Komsomol

Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (October)

On the Intra-party Situation


XIII Party Conference (January)

On the Results of the Discussion and on Petty Bourgeois Deviation in the Party

Plenum of the Central Committee (January)

On the Admission of Production Workers to Party Membership

The Main Current Tasks of the Party in the Sphere of the Press

XIII Party Congress (May)

On the Central Committee Report

On the Work of the Control Commissions

On the Press

On Agitprop Work


On One-Man Control in the Red Army

XIV Party Conference (April)

On Party Construction

Party Policy in the Sphere of Literature

On Party Commissions in Red Army and Navy Politotdels

XIV Party Congress (December)

On the Central Committee Report

Appeal to All Members of the Leningrad Organization

On the Work of the Trade Unions

Rules of the VKP(b)


On the Procedure for Transferring Responsible Workers of the OGPU

Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (July)

On the Affair of Comrade Lashevich and Others and on Party Unity

Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (October)

On the Situation in the Party as a Result of Factional Activity and the Violation of Party Discipline by a Number of Central Committee Members

XV Party Conference (October-November)

On the Opposition Bloc in the VKP(b)


The Regulation of [Party] Growth in Connection with the Census Results

Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (October)

On the Expulsion of Comrades Zinoviev and Trotsky from the Central Committee of the VKP(b)

On the Anti-Party Statements of the Leaders of the Opposition

XV Party Congress (December)

On the Central Committee Report

On the Directives on the Establishment ofa Five-Year Plan for the National Economy

On Work in the Countryside

On the Opposition


Plenum of the Central Committee (November)

On the Recruitment of Workers and the Regulation of Party Growth


Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (April)

On Intra-party Affairs

[On the Bukharin Faction]

XVI Party Conference (April)

On the Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy

On the Purge and Verification of Members and Candidate Members of the VKP(b)
