Robert Daniels, ed. A Documentary History of Communism.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969   1980-1989

Robert Daniels, editor. A Documentary History of Communism.  

Nueva York: Random House, 1960. 790 páginas.

Nueva York: Vintage Books, 1962, 2 tomos.

Edición actualizada, Londres: I.B. Tauris, 1987, 2 tomos.

Edición de 1962

Edición de 1987




The Evolution of the Communist Mind

1 – Leninism and the Bolshevik Party, to 1917

Lenin as a Marxist: What the “Friends of the People” Are and How They Fight the Social-Democrats (1894)

The Foundation of the Russian Marxist Party: Manifesto of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party (1898)

Lenin on the Workers’ Party: The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democrats (1898)

Lenin’s Theory of the Party: What Is to Be Done? (1902)

Lenin on the Party Split: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (May, 1904)

Marxist Reactions to Lenin—Rosa Luxemburg: Leninism or Marxism (1904)

Marxist Reactions to Lenin—Leon Trotsky: Our Political Tasks (1904)

Organization of the Bolshevik Faction: Resolution of the Twenty-Two (August, 1904)

Lenin on the Revolution of 1905: Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution (July, 1905)

Lenin on Insurrection: The Lessons of the Moscow Uprising (September, 1906)

Trotsky on “Permanent Revolution”: Results and Prospects (1906)

Lenin on Democratic Centralism: Freedom of Criticism and Unity of Action (June, 1906)

Bogdanov’s Philosophical Revision of Marxism: Empiriomonism (1905-6)

Lenin’s Philosophical Orthodoxy: Materialism and Empirio-criticism (1908)

The 1909 Purge of the Bolshevik Left Wing: Communiqué and Resolution of the Conference of the Expanded Editorial Board of The Proletarian (Paris, June, 1909)

A – Communiqué on the Conference

B – Resolution on Otzovism and Ultimatism

The Ultra-Left on Lenin’s Compromises: Declarations of the “Forward” Group (1910)

A – Bogdanov, “Letter to All Comrades”

B – “Letter to Our Bolshevik Comrades”

Lenin on Factionalism: Disruption of Unity under Cover of Outcries for Unity (May, 1914)

Lenin on National Self-Determination: The Right of Nations to Self-Determination (1914)

Lenin on the “Imperialist War”: The War and Russian Social-Democracy (November, 1914)

Lenin on the Uneven Prospects of Revolution: The United States of Europe Slogan (August, 1915)

Karl Liebknecht on International Revolution: Letter to the Zimmerwald Conference (September, 1915)

The “Zimmerwald Left”: Proposed Resolution at the Zimmerwald Conference (September, 1915)

Lenin on Imperialism: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)

Bukharin on the Imperialist State: On the Theory of the Imperialist State (1916)

2 – The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1921

Lenin’s Return to Russia: Lenin, On the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution (April 7 [20], 1917)

Lenin on the Soviets: On the Dual Power (April 9 [22], 1917)

Bukharin and Stalin on the Prospects of International Revolution: Protocols of the Sixth Party Congress (August, 1917)

A – Bukharin Is Reporting on the War and The International Situation

B – Bukharin Is Reading His Draft Resolution on the Current Moment and the War

C – Stalin Is Reading His Draft Resolution on the Political Situation

Lenin’s Vision of the Revolutionary State: The State and Revolution (August-September, 1917)

Lenin’s Call for an Uprising: Marxism and Insurrection (September 13-14 [26-27], 1917)

The Declaration of Revolutionary Intent—Trotsky: Declaration of the Bolshevik Fraction to the Council of the Republic (October 7 [20], 1917)

The Decision to Seize Power: Resolution of the Central Committee, On the Armed Uprising (Oc[1]tober 10 [23], 1917)

Bolshevik Opposition to the Insurrection: Statement by Zinoviev and Kamenev (October 11 [24], 1917)

The Bolshevik Seizure of Power: Proclamation of the Soviet Government (October 25 [November 7], 1917)

Bolshevik Revolutionary Legislation:

A – Decree on Peace (October 26 [November 8], 1917)

B – Decree on the Land (October 26 [November 8], 1917)

C – Decree on Suppression of Hostile Newspapers (October 27 [November 7], 1917)

D – Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia (November 2 [15], 1917)

The Issue of a Coalition Government:

A – Resolution of the Central Committee on the Opposition (November 2 [15], 1917)

B – Bolshevik Statements of Resignation (November 4-5 [17-18], 1917)

C – Resignation of the Opposition from the Council of People’s Commissars (November 5 [18], 1917)

Industrial Democracy: Decree on Workers’ Control (November 14 [27], 1917)

The Secret Police: Decree on Establishment of the Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter-Revolution (December 7 [20], 1917)

The Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly: Lenin, Draft Decree on the Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly (January 6 [19], 1918)

Lenin’s Call for Peace with Germany: Theses on the Question of Immediate Conclusion of a Separate and Annexationist Peace (January 7 [20], 1918)

Lenin’s Defense of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: Report on War and Peace to the Seventh Party Congress (March 7, 1918)

Bukharin’s Attack on the Peace Treaty: Report to the Seventh Party Congress (March 7, 1918)

Trotsky on the Red Army: Labor, Discipline, Order (March 27, 1918)

Lenin on Economic Expediency: The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government (April, 1918)

The Left Communists on a Proletarian Economic Policy: Theses on the Present Moment (April, 1918)

One-Party Dictatorship: Decree on the Expulsion of the Right Socialist Parties from the Soviets (June 14, 1918)

War Communism: Decree on Nationalization of Large-Scale Industry (June 28, 1918)

Rosa Luxemburg—A Western Radical’s Response to the Communists: The Russian Revolution (1918)

The Party Program of 1919

Centralization of the Communist Party: Resolution of the Eighth Party Congress, On the Organizational Question (March, 1919)

The Civil War: Lenin, All Out for the Fight Against Denikin (July, 1919)

Bukharin’s Apology for War Communism: The Economics of the Transformation Period (1920)

Trotsky on Terror and Militarization: Terrorism and Communism (1920)

The “Democratic Centralists” in Opposition to Centralization: Osinsky, Minority Report on Building the Economy, to the Ninth Party Congress (March, 1920)

Lenin on Revolutionary Purism: “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder (April, 1920)

The Reaction against Bureaucracy: Resolution of the Ninth Party Conference, On the Coming Tasks of Building the Party (September, 1920)

The Communist Ideal in Family Life: Alexandra Kollontai, Communism and the Family (1920)

The Trade-Union Controversy and the Workers’ Opposition: Kollontai, The Workers’ Opposition (1921)

The Kronstadt Revolt: What We are Fighting For (March 8, 1921)

Institution of the Monolithic Party:

A – Resolution of the Tenth Party Congress, On Party Unity (March, 1921)

B – Resolution of the Tenth Party Congress, On the Syndicalist and Anarchist Deviation in Our Party (March, 1921)

The New Economic Policy: Lenin, The Tax in Kind (April, 1921)

3 – Soviet Communism: The Era of Controversy, 1922-1929

Protests against the New Economic Policy:

A – The Declaration of the Twenty-Two (February, 1922)

B – Appeal of the “Workers’ Truth” Group (1922)

Lenin’s “Testament”: Continuation of Notes (December 24, 1922)

Lenin on Nationality Policy: On the Question of the Nationalities or of “Autonomization” (December 30-31, 1922)

Lenin on the Prerequisites for Socialism: Our Revolution (January, 1923)

Lenin on Administrative Reform: Better Fewer, But Better (March, 1923)

Trotsky on Industrialization: Theses on Industry (March, 1923)

Formation of the Trotskyist Opposition:

A – Trotsky Protests Bureaucratization (October 831923)

B – Declaration of the Forty-Six (October 15, 1923)

The “New Course” Controversy of December, 1923: Trotsky, The New Course (December 8, 1923)

The Condemnation of the Trotskyist Opposition: Resolution of the Thirteenth Party Conference, On the Results of the Controversy and on the Petty-Bourgeois Deviation in the Party (January, 1924)

The Formation of the USSR: Constitution of the USSR (January, 1924)

Stalin on Leninism and the Party: The Foundations of Leninism (April, 1924)

Stalin on Socialism in One Country: The October Revolution and the Tactics of the Russian Communists (December, 1924)

Bukharin on the Worker-Peasant Alliance: The Theory of Permanent Revolution (December, 1924)

Preobrazhensky on the Economics of Industrialization: The New Economics (1926)

Soviet Cultural Policy—the Liberal Period: Resolution of the Central Committee, On the Policy of the Party in the Field of Literature, (July 1, 1925)

Soviet Educational Policy—the Revolutionary Period: Pinkevich, Outlines of Pedagogy (1927)

The Zinoviev-Kamenev Opposition:

A – Zinoviev on State Capitalism (December, 1925)

B – Kamenev on Stalin (December, 1925)

The United Opposition: Declaration of the Thirteen (July, 1926)

Bukharin on the Opposition: The Party and the Opposition Bloc (July, 1926)

The Theoretical Debate on Socialism in One Country:

A – Kamenev’s Criticism of Stalin (November, 1926)

B – Stalin’s Reply to Kamenev (November, 1926)

Stalin on the Expulsion of the Left Opposition: Report of the Central Committee to the Fifteenth Party Congress (December, 1927)

Stalin on the Grain Crisis: On the Grain Front (May, 1928)

The Right Opposition:

A – Bukharin on Peasant Policy (July 10, 1928)

B – Bukharin on the Menace of Stalin (July 11, 1928)

Kuibyshev on Industrialization: The Economic Situation of the Soviet Union (September 19, 1928)

Bukharin on Equilibrium: Notes of an Economist (September 30, 1928)

The Condemnation of the Right Opposition: Resolution of the Politbureau and the Presidium of the Central Control Commission, On Intra-Party Affairs (February 9, 1929)


4 – Soviet Communism: The Transformation under Stalin, 1929-1941

Stalin’s Revolution: Stalin, The Right Deviation in the CPSU(B) (April, 1929)

Disciplining the Intellectuals: Resolution of the Second All-Union Conference of Marxist-Leninist Scientific Research Institutions, On Contemporary Problems of the Philosophy of Marxism-Leninism (April, 1929)

Rakovsky on Bureaucracy:

A – Letter on the Causes of the Degeneration of the Party and Governmental Apparatus (August 2, 1928)

B – Evaluation of the Situation: On the Eve of the Sixteenth Party Conference, April, 1929

C – Declaration to the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission (August 22, 1929)

D – Theses of August, 1929

E – Circular of the Bolshevik-Leninist Opposition (April, 1930)

Stalin on the Liquidation of the Kulaks: Problems of Agrarian Policy in the USSR (December, 1929)

The Socialized Economy and Revolutionary Law: Pashukanis, The Soviet State and the Revolution in Law (1930)

Stalin on the Ends and Means of Industrialization:

A – The Tasks of Business Executives (February, 1931)

B – New Conditions—New Tasks in Economic Construction (June, 1931)

Stalin on the Sanctity of Leninism: Some Questions Concerning the History of Bolshevism (1931)

The New Educational Policy: Decision of the Central Committee on the Primary and Secondary School, September 5, 1931

Stalin’s Social Ideal: Report of the Central Committee to the Seventeenth Party Congress (January, 1934) The

New History: Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars and the Central Committee, On the Teaching of Civic History (May, 1934)

The New Nationalism: For the Fatherland! (Pravda, June 9, 1934)

Socialist Realism: Gorky, Soviet Literature (August, 1934)

The New Family Ideal: Discussion of the Law on Abolition of Legal Abortion (Pravda, May 28 and June 9, 1936)

Trotsky on the New Soviet Society: The Revolution Betrayed (1937)

The Great Purge: Stalin, On Inadequacies of Party Work and Measures for Liquidating Trotskyist and Other Double-Dealers (March, 1937)

The Moscow Trials: The Case of the Anti-Soviet Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites (1938)

A – The Indictment

B – The Pleas

C – Vyshinsky’s Summation

D – Bukharin’s Last Plea

The Purges and Torture: Stalin, Telegram of January 20, 1939

The Plea of a Purge Victim: Eikhe, Declaration to Stalin (October 27, 1939)

Stalin as a Philosopher: Dialectical and Historical Materialism (1938)

Vyshinsky on the New Law: The Law of the Soviet State (1938)

Labor Discipline: Resolution Concerning Consolidation of Labor Discipline (December 28, 1938)

Stalin on the State and the Intelligentsia: Report of the Central Committee to the Eighteenth Party Congress (March, 1939)

Malenkov on Bureaucratic Efficiency: Report to the Eighteenth Party Conference, On the Tasks of Party Organization in the Field of Industry and Transportation (February, 1941)

5 – International Communism, 1919-1941

The Prospect of International Revolution—Germany: Manifesto of the Spartacus Group (December, 1918)

The Founding of the Communist International: Manifesto of the Communist International to the Proletariat of the Entire World (March, 1919)

The Hungarian Soviet Republic: Proclamation of the Revolutionary Governing Council of Hungary (March 22, 1919)

Lukacs on Force and Consciousness: The Change in the Function of Historical Materialism (1919)

Leninist Discipline in the Comintern: The Twenty-One Conditions (August, 1920)

Zinoviev on the German Revolution: Problems of the German Revolution (1923)

The Trotskyists on the Comintern: Declaration of the Eighty-Four (May, 1927)

The “Third Period”: Earl Browder, Speech at the Thirteenth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (January, 1934)

The Fourth International: For the Fourth International (The New International, July, 1934)

The Popular Front: Resolution of the Seventh Comintern Congress, The Offensive of Fascism (August, 1935)

The Spanish Civil War: José Diaz, For Unity, until Victory (March, 1937)

The Nazi-Soviet Pact: Molotov, The Meaning of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact (August 31, 1939)

6 – The Expansion of Communism, 1941-1953

Russia in the Second World War:

A – Stalin on the Patriotic War (November 6, 1941)

B – Stalin on the Two Camps (November 6, 1942)

Dissolution of the Comintern: Resolution of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (May 22, 1943)

Guerrilla Revolution—the Yugoslav Partisans:

A – Statement of the Second Assembly of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation (November 29, 1943)

B – Declaration by the National Liberation Committee of Yugoslavia (August, 1944)

Stalin’s War Aims: Speech on the Twenty-Seventh Anniversary of the October Revolution (November 6, 1944)

Stalin on Poland: Message to Roosevelt (December 27, 1944)

Stalin on the Great-Russians: Speech at Reception for Red Army Commanders (May 24, 1945)

The Revival of International Communism: Jacques Duclos, On the Dissolution of the Communist Party of the United States (May, 1945)

Stalin’s Analysis of Victory: Pre-Election Speech of February 9, 1946

The Zhdanov Movement: Zhdanov, Report to the Union of Soviet Writers (August, 1946)

The “People’s Democracies”: Eugene Varga, Democracy of a New Type (1947)

The “Cold War’ and the Cominform: Zhdanov, Report on the International Situation, at the Founding Conference of the Communist Information Bureau in Poland (September, 1947)

Party Control of Science—Genetics: Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, On the Question of the Status and Problems of Biological Science (August 26, 1948)

The Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia: Klement Gottwald, Speech to the Constituent National Assembly (March 10, 1948)

The Soviet-Yugoslav Break:

A – The Cominform Resolution (June 28, 1948)

B – The Yugoslav Reply (June 29, 1948)

National Communism in Poland—The Fall of Gomulka: Gomulka, Speech to the Central Committee of the Polish Workers’ Party (September, 1948)

The “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” in Eastern Europe: Jézsef Revai, On the Character of Our People’s Democracy (1949)

The Campaign against “Cosmopolitanism”: On the Tasks of Soviet Historians in the Struggle with Manifestations of Bourgeois Ideology, Questions of History, No. 2, 1949 (July, 1949)

The Purge of “Titoists” in Eastern Europe: Indictment of László Rajk (September, 1949)

The Titoist Critique of Stalinism—Djilas: On New Roads of Socialism (March, 1950)

Yugoslav Socialism—Tito on Workers’ Control of Industry: Workers Manage Factories in Yugoslavia (April, 1950)

Stalin on Language and Society: Marxism and Linguistics (1950)

Stalin on Economic Laws: Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR (1952)

The Limits of Stalinism—Malenkov on Imperfections in the Party: Report of the Central Committee to the Nineteenth Party Congress (October, 1952)

7 – Communism Since Stalin

The Death of Stalin and Collective Leadership: L. Slepov, Collectivity Is the Highest Principle of Party Leadership (April, 1953)

The Purge of Beria: Pravda on the Dismissal of Beria (July 10, 1953)

The “New Course” in Eastern Europe—Imre Nagy: Speech to the Hungarian National Assembly (July 4, 1953)

The “New Course” in the USSR—Malenkov on Agriculture and Coexistence: Speech to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (August 8, 1953)

The Fall of Malenkov and the Renewed Stress on Industrialization:

A – Shepilov’s Attack on the Consumer Goods Line (January 24, 1955)

B – Malenkov’s Statement of Resignation (February 8, 1955)

Khrushchev and Tito: Khrushchev, Speech on Arrival at Belgrade (May 26, 1955)

“De-Stalinization”: Khrushchev, Secret Speech at the Twentieth Party Congress (February, 1956)

Togliatti on De-Stalinization: Nine Questions on Stalinism (June, 1956)

The “October Revolution” in Poland: Gomulka, Speech to the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party (October 20, 1956)

The Hungarian Revolution:

A – Demands of a Workers’ Council (October 25, 1956)

B – The Workers’ Council Movement

C – The Nagy Government

D – A National-Communist Party

E – Soviet Intervention

F – Kadar’s Pro-Soviet Regime

G – Communist Resistance to Kadar

The Disintegration of the American Communist Party: Joseph Clark’s Letter of Resignation (September 9, 1957)

“Revisionism” in Poland: Leszek Kolakowski, Responsibility and History (September, 1957)

The Liberal Communist Protest—Djilas: The New Class (1957)

The “Anti-Party Group”: Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, On the Anti-Party Group (June 29, 1957)

Khrushchev on the Arts: For a Close Tie between Literature and Art and the Life of the People (August, 1957)

The Reaffirmation of International Communist Solidarity: Declaration of the Conference of Communist Parties (November, 1957)

Khrushchev on the “Transition to Communism”: Political Report to the Twenty-First Party Congress (January, 1959)

8 – Communism in the Far East

The Founding of the Chinese Communist Party: Manifesto of June 10, 1922

The Comintern and Chinese Communism: Theses on the Chinese Situation and Plan of Action for the Chinese Communists (November-December, 1926)

The 1927 Debacle of Chinese Communism: Circular Letter of the Central Committee of the CCP (August 7, 1927)

Mao Tse-tung on the Peasant Movement: The Struggle in the Chingkang Mountains (November, 1928)

Ch’en Tu-hsiu on Stalin’s Errors: Open Letter (December 10, 1929)

The Proletarian Line—Li Li-san: The New Revolutionary Rising Tide (June, 1930)

The Moscow Orientation—Wang Ming: Revolution, War, and Intervention in China, and the Tasks of the Communist Party (December, 1933)

Mao on the Anti-Japanese “United Front”: Urgent Tasks of the Chinese Revolution since the Formation of the Kuomintang—Chinese Communist Party United Front (September, 1937)

Liu Shao-ch’i on Party Discipline: On the Training of a Communist Party Member (August, 1939)

Mao on the “New Democracy” (January, 1940)

The “Thought Reform” Movement:

A – Mao on Literature and Art

B – Leadership and the Masses

Mao’s War Aims: On Coalition Government (April, 1945)

The Chinese Civil War: Mao, The Present Situation and Our Tasks (December, 1947)

Communist Victory in China: Mao, On the People’s Democratic Dictatorship (July, 1949)

The Chinese People’s Republic: Common Program (September, 1949)

The Sino-Soviet Alliance: Chou En-lai, Speech on the Signing of the Agreements of February 14, 1950

Land Reform: Liu Shao-ch’i, On the Agrarian Reform Law (June, 1950)

National Minorities in China—Tibet: Agreement between the Chinese Central People’s Government and the Tibetan Government on the Administrtion of Tibet (May 23, 1951)

The Korean War and Industrialization: Chou En-lai, Political Report to the People’s Political Consultative Council (February, 1953)

The Collectivization of the Chinese Peasants: Decision of the Central Committee of the CCP on the Development of Agricultural Producer Coéperatives (December, 1953)

China and Coexistence:

A – The “Five Principles” of Coexistence

B – The Bandung Conference

The “Thaw” in China: Lu Ting-yi, Let All Flowers Bloom Together (May, 1956)

Liu Shao-ch’i on the Transition to Socialism: Political Report to the Eighth Party Congress, ist Session (September, 1956)

Mao on Contradictions: On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (February, 1957)

The Rectification Campaign: Teng Hsiao-p’ing, On the Movement to Rectify Work Style (September, 1957)

The “Great Leap Forward”: Liu Shao-ch’i, Political Report to the Eighth Party Congress, 2nd Session (May, 1958)

The Communes: Resolution of the Central Committee of the CCP, On the Establishment of People’s Communes in the Rural Areas (August, 1958)

North Korean Communism: Kim II Sung, Address to the Korean People (December, 1950)

Vietnamese Communism: Manifesto of the Viet-Nam Labor Party (February, 1951)

Indian Communism: Policy Statement of the Communist Party of India (June, 1951)

Indonesian Communism:

A – Role of the Party and Doctrine

B – Stages of the Indonesian Revolution



[Edición de 1985]

Volume 2



1 – WORLD REVOLUTION, 1914-1920

The “Imperialist War” and the Schism in Socialism: Lenin, The War and Russian Social-Democracy (November, 1914)

The “Zimmerwald Left”: Proposed Resolution at the Zimmerwald Conference (September, 1915)

Lenin on Imperialism: Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916)

War, Peace and the Russian Provisional Government: Lenin, The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution (May, 1917)

The Bolsheviks and International Revolution: Minutes of the Sixth Party Congress (August, 1917)

The October Revolution and the War: Decree on Peace (October 26 [November 8], 1917)

Lenin Capitulates to Germany: Theses on the Question of Immediate Conclusion of a Separatist and Annexationist Peace (January 7 [20], 1918)

The Brest-Litovsk Treaty—Lenin’s Defense (March, 1918)

The Brest-Litovsk Treaty—Bukharin’s Attack (March,1918)

Intervention: Appeal of the Council of People’s Commissars to the Toiling Masses of England, America, France, Italy and Japan (August, 1918)

The Prospect of International Revolution—Germany: Manifesto of the Spartacus Group (December, 1918)

The Founding of the Communist International: Trotsky, Manifesto of the Communist International to the – Proletarians of the World (March, 1919)

The Hungarian Soviet Republic: Proclamation of the Revolutionary Governing Council of Hungary (March, 1919)

The Philosophy of Consciousness and Force: Lukacs, The Change in the Function of Historical Materialism (1919)

Communism in the U.S.A.: Manifesto of the Communist Party of America (September, 1919)

Leninist Discipline in the Comintern: The Twenty-One Conditions (August, 1920)


The Stabilization of Capitalism and the Revolutionary Mission: Theses of the Third Comintern Congress (July, 1921)

Mongolia—The First Satellite

A – Sukhe Bator’s Appeal to Russia (August, 1920)

B – The People’s Party Platform (March, 1921)

C – Mongolia’s Appeal for Soviet Troops (August, 1921)

D – Chicherin’s Reply (August, 1921)

The Return to Power Politics: Treaty of Rapallo (April, 1922)

The End of the German Revolution: Zinoviev, Problems of the German Revolution (1923)

Recognition: Resolution of the Second Congress of Soviets on De Jure Recognition by Britain (February 2, 1924)

Bolshevizing the Comintern: Theses of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (April, 1925)

European Marxism—Gramsci: The Prison Notebooks (1926-1937)

The Rise of Communism in China:

A – The Founding of the Chinese Communist Party (June, 1922)

B – The Comintern and China (December, 1926)

C – The 1927 Debacle

D – Mao Tse-tung on the Peasant Revolution (November, 1928)

The Russian Opposition and Communism Abroad: Declaration of the Eighty-Four (May, 1927)

Recriminations in China: Ch’en Tu-hsiu (1929)

The “Third Period”: Theses of the Sixth Comintern Congress (August, 1928)

China in the “Third Period”:

A – Li Li-san and the Proletarian Line (June, 1930)

B – Wang Ming and the Moscow Orientation (December, 1933)

C – Guerrilla Warfare and the Ascendancy of Mao (1934-1936)

American Communism in the “Third Period”: Browder, Speech to the Executive Committee of the Communist International (January, 1934)

International Trotskyism: For the Fourth International (July, 1934)

Collective Security: Litvinov at the League of Nations (September, 1935)

The Popular Front and Anti-Fascism: Resolution of the Seventh Comintern Congress (August, 1935)

Communism and the Spanish Civil War: Diaz, Report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain (March, 1937)

Chinese Communism under Mao:

A – The Anti-Japanese “United Front” (September, 1937)

B – Liu Shao-ch’i, On the Training of a Party Member (1939)

C – Mao, On the “New Democracy” (1940)

D – The “Thought Reform” Movement: Mao on the Arts (May, 1942); Resolution of the Central Committee, On Methods of Leadership (June, 1943)

The Nazi-Soviet Pact: Molotov, Speech to the Supreme Soviet (August 31, 1939)


Russia in the Second World War:

A – Stalin on the Patriotic War (November 6, 1941)

B – Stalin on the Two Camps (November 6, 1942)

Dissolution of the Comintern: Resolution of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (May 22, 1943)

Guerrilla Revolution in Yugoslavia:

A – The Jajce Assembly of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation (November, 1943)

B – Declaration by the National Liberation Committee of Yugoslavia (August, 1944)

Stalin’s War Aims:

A – On Germany and World Order (November, 1944)

B – On Poland (December, 1944)

The Yalta Conference: Protocol (February 11, 1945)

The Revival of International Communism: Duclos, On the Dissolution of the Communist Party of the United States (May, 1945)

The Cold War:

A – Stalin’s Pre-election Speech (February, 1946)

B – Stalin’s Reply to Churchill (March, 1946)

The “People’s Democracies”: Varga, Democracy of a New Type (1947)

The Cominform: Zhdanov, Report to the Founding Conference (September, 1947)

The Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia: Gottwald, Speech to the Constituent National Assembly (March 10, 1948)

The Berlin Blockade and the Division of Germany: Soviet Note (July 14, 1948)

The Soviet-Yugoslav Break:

A – The Cominform Resolution (June 28, 1948)

B – The Yugoslav Reply (June 29, 1948)

National Communism:

A – Poland—Gomulka’s Confession (September, 1948)

B – Hungary—The Rajk Trial (September, 1949)

Yugoslav Communism:

A – The Critique of Stalinism: Djilas (March, 1950)

B – Workers’ Self-Management: Tito (April, 1950)

Stalin on the Inevitability of War: Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR (1952)


Mao’s War Aims: On Coalition Government (April, 1945)

The Chinese Civil War: Mao, The Present Situation and Our Tasks (December, 1947)

Communist Victory in China: Mao, On the People’s Democratic Dictatorship (July, 1949)

The Chinese People’s Republic: The Common Program (September, 1949)

The Sino-Soviet Alliance: Chou En-lai, Speech on the Signing of the Agreements of February 14, 1950

Land Reform in China: Liu Shao-ch’i, On the Agrarian Reform Law (June, 1950)

National Minorities in China—Tibet (May, 1951)

The Korean War and Industrialization in China: Chou En-lai, Political Report to the People’s Political Consultative Council (February, 1953)

The Collectivization of the Chinese Peasants: Decision of the Central Committee (December, 1953)

North Korea and the Korean War: Kim Il Sung, Address to the Korean People (December, 1950)

Communism in Vietnam:

A – The Independence Movement: Declaration of Independence (September 2, 1945)

B – From Nationalism to Communism: Manifesto of the Viet-Nam Lao Dong Party (February, 1951)

C – The Viet Cong: Manifesto of the South Viet Nam National Liberation Front (1961)

Communism in India: Policy Staterhent of the Communist Party of India (June, 1951)

Communism in Indonesia:

A – Role of the Party and Doctrine: Aidit, The Road to People’s Democracy for Indonesia (March, 1954)

B – Stages of the Indonesian Revolution: Aidit, Indonesian Society and the Indonesian Revolution (1958)


Malenkov on Peaceful Cooperation: Speech to the Supreme Soviet (August 8, 1953)

China and Coexistence:

A – The “Five Principles” of Coexistence (June, 1954)

B – The Bandung Conference (April, 1955)

The Warsaw Pact (May 14, 1955)

Khrushchev and Tito: Khrushchev, Speech on Arrival at Belgrade (May 26, 1955)

Khrushchev on Peaceful Coexistence: Report to the Twentieth Party Congress (February, 1956)

De-Stalinization and Polycentrism: Togliatti, Nine Questions on Stalinism (June, 1956)

The “October Revolution” in Poland: Gomulka, Speech to the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party (October 20, 1956)

The Hungarian Revolution:

A – Demands of a Workers’ Council (October 25, 1956)

B – Recommendation of the National Trade Union Council on Workers’ Councils (October 27,1956)

C – Nagy on the Formation of a New Government (October 28, 1956)

D – Kadar on a National-Communist Party (November 1, 1956)

E – Nagy on Soviet Intervention (November 4, 1956)

F – Kadar on a Pro-Soviet Regime (November 4, 1956)

G – Broadcast by “Free Radio Rajk” (November 5, 1956)

The Disintegration of the American Communist Party: Clark, Letter of Resignation (September 9, 1957)

Marxist Revisionism in Poland: Kolakowski, Responsibility and History (September, 1957)

The Reaffirmation of International Communist Solidarity: Declaration of the Conference of Communist Parties (November, 1957)

The Yugoslav Alternative

A – Official—The Program of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (1958)

B – Unofficial—Djilas, The New Class (1957)

China from Reform to Radicalization:

A – Lu Ting-yi, Let All Flowers Bloom Together (May, 1956)

B – Liu Shao-ch’i on the Transition to Socialism (September, 1956)

C – Mao, On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People (February, 1957)

D – Teng Hsiao-p’ing, On the Movement to Rectify Work Style (September, 1957)

E – Liu Shao-ch’i on the “Great Leap Forward” (May, 1958)

F – Resolution of the Central Committee on the Establishment of Communes (August 29, 1958)

Revolt and Repression in Tibet (March, 1959)

Khrushchev in America: Speech on Returning to Moscow (September 28, 1959)

Khrushchev’s Rupture with America and China: Statement of Eighty-One Communist Parties (November, 1960)

The Berlin Crisis and the Wall:

A – Warsaw Pact Communiqué (August 13,1961)

B – East German Decree (August 13, 1961)

Cuba—From Nationalism to Communism:

A – Castro’s Conversion to Communism (December, 1961)

B – Khrushchev on the Missile Crisis (October 28, 1962)

The Sino-Soviet Schism:

A – The Chinese View (June 16, 1963)

B – The Soviet View (July 14, 1963)

The Nuclear Test Ban: Soviet Statement (August 4, 1963)

Rumania’s Independent Path: Statement on the Problems of the World Communist Movement (April, 1964)

6 – SCHISM AND DÉTENTE, 1964-1976

The Cultural Revolution in China: The Central Committee on the Sixteen Points (August, 1966)

Hungary—Kadar and “Goulash Communism”:

A – Whoever Is Not against Us Is with Us (December, 1961)

B – The New Economic Mechanism (December, 1966)

The Soviet Union, Israel and Arab Radicalism (1968)

The Prague Spring:

A – The Action Program (April, 1968)

B – The Brezhnev Doctrine (September, 1968)

The New Left and Maoism:

A – Moscow on Marcuse and the May Uprising (1968)

B – Maoism in America—The Progressive Labor Party (1969-70)

Dissent in Yugoslavia—Praxis: Stojanovic, Between Ideals and Reality (1969)

Anti-Imperialism and Communist Unity: The Moscow Meeting of Communist Parties (June, 1969)


A – Nixon in Russia (May, 1972)

B – The SALT I Treaty (May, 1972)

C – Brezhnev in America (June, 1973)

D – The Helsinki Accords (August, 1975)

Eurocommunism: Carrillo, Eurocommunism and the State (1978)

East European Idealism—Bahro: The Alternative (1973-1976)


The Unification of Vietnam: Nhan Dan on the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (July, 1976)

Ultra-Radicalism in Cambodia: Revolutionary Flags on the Agrarian Program (1975-1976)

The Struggle for Power in Angola: Radio Luanda on Independence (October, 1975)

Pragmatism in China:

A – The Fall of the Gang of Four (October, 1976)

B – The Four Modernizations and the Economic Readjustment (December, 1978)

C – The Wall Poster Movement: Wei Jingsheng, The Fifth Modernization (January, 1979)

D – De-Maoization: Resolution of the Central Committee on the History of the Party (June, 1981)

The Chinese-American Rapprochement: Deng Xiaoping in Washington (January, 1979)

The Iranian Revolution and the Tudeh Party: Kianouri on the People’s Revolution (February, 1979)

Revolution and Intervention in Afghanistan (December, 1979)

Poland—The Rise and Fall of Solidarity:

A – Solidarity’s Program (1980-81)

B – Martial Law (December 13, 1981)

National Liberation in Central America—The Sandinistas in Moscow (May, 1982)

Nuclear War and Deterrence:

A – Ogarkov on Nuclear War (1979)

B – Brezhnev on No First Use (June 15, 1982)

Soviet Globalism:

A – Vanguard Parties (1982)

B – The Projection of Military Power (1972)

The Andropov Era: Speech to the Central Committee (November 22, 1982)