Sheila Fitzpatrick – Lynne Viola, eds. A Researcher’s Guide to Sources on Soviet Social History in the 1930s.

Sheila Fitzpatrick – Lynne Viola, eds. A Researcher’s Guide to Sources on Soviet Social History in the 1930s.

Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1990.

310 Páginas.


Preface: Introductory Notes for Researchers / Lynne Viola

Introduction: Sources on the Social History of the 1930s

Overview and Critique / Sheila Fitzpatrick

Archival Resources from the 1920s and 1930s

Soviet Archival Developments and Reference Aids for the Social Historian / Patricia Kennedy Grimsted

Archival Research in the USSR

A Practical Guide for Historians / Lynne Viola

Guide to the Smolensk Archive / J. Arch Getty

Annual Reports of Industrial Enterprises in Soviet Archives as a Historical Source for the 1930s / A. B. Bezborodov

Guide to Document Series on Collectivization

Appendix: Istoriia kollektivizatsii sel’skogo khoziaistva SSSR: An Annotated Bibliography / Lynne Viola

Guide to Document Series on Industrialization / Lewis H. Siegelbaum

Laws and Administrative Acts

Sources and Finding Aids / Peter H. Solomon, Jr.

Statistical Sources for the Study of Soviet Social History in the Prewar Period / S. G. Wheatcroft

Newspapers and Journals / Sheila Fitzpatrick

Legal Journals and Soviet Social History / Peter H. Solomon, Jr.

Soviet City Directories

Appendix A: Vsia Moskva, 1927: Outline of Contents

Appendix B: Availability of Soviet Directories / J. Arch Getty

Perestroika and the Study of Sources on Soviet Social History

Appendix: Soviet Computerized Data Bases / V. Z. Drobizhev, E. I. Pivovar, and A. K. Sokolov

Soviet Memoirs as a Historical Source / Hiroaki Kuromiya

Guide to Emigre and Dissident Memoir Literature / Hiroaki Kuromiya

A Note on Military Sources / Mark von Hagen


I – National, Republican, and Regional Newspapers

Compiled by Anne Rassweiler and Sheila Fitzpatrick

A – Major national newspapers

B – Major republican newspapers (in Russian)

C – Selected krai and oblast newspapers (1930s titles)

D – Reference works on newspapers

E – Locations of newspaper holdings

II – Stenographic Reports of Party, Soviet, and Other Meetings

(Congresses, Conferences, Plenums, Soveshchaniia)

Compiled by Sheila Fitzpatrick

A – Party congresses, conferences, and plenums

B – Soviet congresses and sessions of soviet executive committees

C – Other congresses, conferences, and meetings