Stanley Pierson. Marxism and the Origins of British Socialism.

Stanley Pierson. Marxism and the Origins of British Socialism. The Struggle for a New Consciousness.

Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1973.

310 páginas.




The British Sources: Quest for a New Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century Britain

1 – Anglican and Nonconformist Visions of a Christian Commonwealth

2 – The Romantic Social Vision: Carlyle and Ruskin

3 – Aspirations for a Rational Community: Utilitarians, Owenites, and Secularists


Transformations of Marxism

4 – The Reception of Marxism in Britain

Henry Mayers Hyndman and the Formative Years of British Social Democracy

William Morris: The Marxist as Utopian

Two Prophets of a Socialist World View: Ernest Belfort Bax and Edward Carpenter

5 – The Fabians

Thomas Davidson and the Fellowship of the New Life

Fabian Beginnings and Sidney Webb

The Hampstead Group: From Marxism to Fabianism

Fabians in the Early Nineties

6 – Ethical Socialism

John Bruce Glasier and the Poetic Impulse in British Socialism

“Nunquam” and Merrie England

Socialism and the “New Women”

Social Democrats and the Problem of Sentiment

7 – The Realists

Marxism and the Working Classes: H. H. Champion, Friedrich Engels, and J. L. Mahon

Marxists Adrift: John Burns and Tom Mann

Keir Hardie: The Realist as Ethical Prophet

Formation and Early Growth of the Independent Labour Party


The Challenge of Politics

8 – Divergent Strategies Rejection of Politics, Anarchism, and Tolstoyism

The “Religion of Socialism”: John Trevor and the Labour Churches

9 – The Testing Years, 1895-1900

Decline of Socialist Enthusiasm

The Process of Political Accommodation and the Role of Ramsay MacDonald
