Valentine Moghadam. Globalization and Social Movements.

Biblioteca / 2000-2009   2020-2029

Valentine M. Moghadam. Globalization and Social Movements. The Populist Challenge and Democratic Alternatives.

Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009.

3ra edición, 2020.

315 páginas.


Preface to the Third Edition

1 – Introduction and Overview: Globalization, Social Movements, and Contemporary Politics

2 – Globalization, Its Discontents, and Collective Action

3 – Globalization and Social Movements: Whither Democracy?

4 – Islamist Movements

5 – Feminism on a World Scale

6 – The Global Justice Movement

7 – Populisms in the World-System

8 – Conclusions and Prognostication

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