William Rowlandson. Sartre in Cuba—Cuba in Sartre.

Biblioteca /  2010-2019

William Rowlandson. Sartre in Cuba—Cuba in Sartre.

Londres: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

viii, 132 páginas.


The Invitation to Cuba

Hurricane Over Sugar

Sartre and Beauvoir in Havana

Sartre’s History of Cuba

The Philosophical Implications of the Cuban Revolution

Sartre and Fidel Castro

Revolution and Violence

Sartre’s Account of Huber Matos

Sartre, Beauvoir and Che Guevara

Sartre and Lunes de Revolución

Words with the Intellectuals

Brazil, Cuba and Revolution

Sartre’s relationship with Cuba through the 1960s

Were the France-Soir Articles Propaganda?

Sartre’s Other Book About Cuba

The France-Soir Articles Today
