Isaac Rubin. A History of Economic Thought.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979

Isaac Ilyich Rubin. A History of Economic Thought.

Londres: Pluto Press, 1979.

2da reimpresión, 1989. Traducción de Donald Filtzer.

Traducido de la segunda edición rusa, Istoriya ekonomicheskoi mysli (Gosizdat RSFSR), 1929.

Isaac Ilych Rubin (1886-1937)


Author’s Preface to the Second Edition

Part One

Mercantilism and its Decline

Chapter One — The Age of Merchant Capital

Chapter Two — Merchant Capital and Mercantilist Policy in England in the 16th and 17th Centuries

Chapter Three — The General Features of Mercantilist Literature

Chapter Four — The Early English Mercantilists

Chapter Five — Mercantilist Doctrine at its Height: Thomas Mun  

Chapter Six — The Reaction against Mercantilism: Dudley North

Chapter Seven — The Evolution of the Theory of Value: William Petty

Chapter Eight — The Evolution of the Theory of Money: David Hume

Part Two

The Physiocrats

Chapter Nine — The Economic Situation in Mid-Eighteenth-Century France

Chapter Ten — The History of the Physiocratic School

Chapter Eleven — The Social Philosophy of the Physiocrats

Chapter Twelve — Large-scale and Small-scale Agriculture  

Chapter Thirteen — Social Classes

Chapter Fourteen — The Net Product

Chapter Fifteen — Quesnay’s Tableau Economique

Chapter Sixteen — Economic Policy

Chapter Seventeen — The Theoretical Legacy of the Physiocrats

Part Three

Adam Smith

Chapter Eighteen — Industrial Capitalism in England during the Mid-Eighteenth Century

Chapter Nineteen — Adam Smith, the Man

Chapter Twenty — Smith’s Social Philosophy

Chapter Twenty-One — The Division of Labour

Chapter Twenty-Two — The Theory of Value

Chapter Twenty-Three — The Theory of Distribution

Chapter Twenty-Four — The Theory of Capital and Productive Labour

Part Four

David Ricardo

Chapter Twenty-Five — The Industrial Revolution in England

Chapter Twenty-Six — Ricardo’s Biography

Chapter Twenty-Seven — The Philosophical and Methodo logical Bases of Ricardo’s Theory

Chapter Twenty-Eight — The Theory of Value

Chapter Twenty-Nine — Ground Rent

Chapter Thirty — Wages and Profit

Part Five

The Decline of the Classical School

Chapter Thirty-One — Malthus and the Law of Population

Chapter Thirty-Two — The Beginning of Vulgar Economy—Say

Chapter Thirty-Three — The Debates Surrounding the Ricardian Theory of Value

Chapter Thirty-Four — The Wages Fund

Chapter Thirty-Five — The Theory of Abstinence—Senior

Chapter Thirty-Six — Harmony of Interests—Cary and Bastiat

Chapter Thirty-Seven — Sismondi as a critic of Capitalism

Chapter Thirty-Eight — The Utopian Socialists

Chapter Thirty-Nine — The Twilight of the Classical School—John Stuart Mill

Part Six

Conclusion: A Brief Review of the Course

Chapter Forty — Brief Review of the Course

Afterword by Catherine Colliot-Thélène

Name Index

Subject Index


Quesnay’s Description of the circulation of commodities and of money