Edward P. Thompson (Oxford, 1924-Worcester, 1993)

Libros, folletos, artículos, reseñas y entrevistas


Fascist Threat to Britain. Londres: Farleigh Press [folleto].

“Poetry’s not so easy”, Our Time, junio.

“Comments on a People’s Culture”, Our Time, octubre.

There is a Spirit in Europe. Londres: Victor Gollancz [con T. J. Thompson].


The Railway: an adventure in construction. Londres: The British Yoguslav Association.


“Mr Camero”, The Highway, abril.

“A New poet”, Our Time, junio.


“The Murder of William Morris”, Arena, n° 2.

“William Morris and the moral issues of today”, Arena, n° 2.

“On the liberation of Seoul”, Arena, n° 2 [poema].


The Struggle for a Free Press. Londres: People’s Press Society [folleto].


Willliam Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary. Londres: Lawrence & Wishart.


“Winter Wheat in Omsk”, World News, 30 de junio.

“Why are we publishing?”, The Reasoner, n° 1, julio.

“Reply to George Matthews”, The Reasoner, n° 1, julio.

“The Case for Socialism”, The Reasoner, n. 2, septiembre.

“Through the Smoke of Budapest”, The Reasoner, n° 3, noviembre.


“Socialism and the Intellectuals”, Universities and Left Review (ULR), n° 1, primavera.

“Socialism and the Intellectuals: A Reply”, ULR, n° 2, verano.

“Socialist Humanism: An Epistle to Philistines”, The New Reasoner, n° 1, verano.

“The Making of London”, The New Reasoner, n° 3, invierno, 1957-1958.

“God and King and Law”, The New Reasoner, n° 3, invierno, 1957-58 [reseña].


“Letter to Our Readers”, The New Reasoner, n° 5, verano,.

“Agency and Choice”, The New Reasoner, n° 5, verano.

“NATO, neutralism and survival”, ULR, n° 4.


“Commitment in Politics”, ULR, n° 6.

“The New Left”, The New Reasoner, n° 9, verano.

“An Psessay on Ephology”, The New Reasoner, n° 10, otoño.

The Communism of William Morris. Londres: The William Morris Society, 1965 [Conferencia del 4 de mayo de 1959] [folleto]


Out of Apathy. Londres: Stevens and Sons.

Homage to Tom Maguire. In: BRIGGS, A. SAVILLE, J. (org.) Essays in Labour History. Londres: Macmillan.

“At the point of production”, New Left Review (NLR), n° 1, enero/febrero.

“Revolution”, NLR, n° 3, mayo/junio.

“Letter to Readers”, NLR, n° 4, julio/agosto.

“Countermarching to Armageddon”, NLR, n° 4, julio/agosto.

“A Communist Salute”, The Reasoner, octubre.

“Revolution Again: Or, shut your ears and run!”, NLR, n° 6, noviembre/diciembre.


“The Long Revolution” (I/II), NLR, n° 9-10, mayo/junio/julio/agosto.

“Notes for Readers”, NLR, noviembre/diciembre.


“Documents: The North of England Socialist Federation”, Labour History Review, n° 6, primavera.

The Making of the English Working Class. Londres: Victor Gollancz.

Where are We Now?, Memorando interno al consejo editorial de New Left Review, abril.

“C. Wright Mills: The Responsible Craftsman”, Peace News, n° 22, noviembre.


“Working class culture – The transition to industrialism”, Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History (SSLH), n° 9, 1964.

The Making of the English Working Class. Nueva York: Pantheon Books.


“The Peculiarities of the English”, Socialist Register.

“The Book of Numbers”, Times Literary Supplement (TLS), n° 9, diciembre [reseña].


“History from Below”, TLS, n° 7, abril.


“Glandular Aggression”, New Society, enero.

Preface In: LYND, S. Class Conflict, Slavery and the United States Constitution. Indianápolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

New Left: May Day Manifesto. Londres: May Day Manifesto Committee [con Raymond Williams y Stuart Hall]

“Time, Work-discipline, and Industrial Capitalism”, Past and Present, n° 38.

“The Political Education of Henry Matthew”, Victorian Studies, n° 11 (1).


Education and experience. Fifh Mansbridge Memorial Lectura [folleto].

Education and Experience. Leeds: Leeds University Press.

Introduction. In: PELL, F. The Rising of Luddities, Chartists and Plug-Drawers. Londres: Franck Class.

Disenchantment or Default? A Lay Sermon. In: O’BRIEN, C. C. VANECH, W. D (org.). Power and Consciousness. Nueva York: New York University Press.

“English Trade Unionism and Other Labour Movements Before 1790”, Bulletin of the SSLH, n° 17, otoño.


“Man Bites Yeoman”, TLS, 11 de diciembre [reseña].


“The Business University”, New Society, 19 de febrero.

“A Report on Lord Radcliffe”, New Society, 30 de abril.

“Sir, writing by the candlelight”, New Society, 24 de diciembre.


“Organising the Left”, TLS, 19 de febrero.

“The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the 18th Century”, Past and Present, n° 50.

“Yesterday’s manikin”, New Society, 29 de julio.


“A special case”, New Society, 24 de febrero.

“Rough Music: le charivari anglais”, Annales E. S. C., n° 27.

“Anthropology and the Discipline of Historical Context”, Midland History, 1, n° 3 [reseña].


The Unknown Mayhew. Middlesex: Penguin Books [con E. Yeo].

“Under the same roof-tree”, TLS, 4 de mayo.

“An Open Letter to Leszek Kolakowski”, Socialist Register.

“Alexander Pope and the Windsor Blacks”, TLS, 7 de septiembre.

Homage to Salvador Allende [poema], Spokesman Broadsheet, 30 de septiembre [folleto].

“Responses to Reality”, New Society, 4 de octubre.


“In Citizens, Bad Books”, New Society, 28 de marzo, 1974.

“Testing Class Struggle”, Times Higher Education Supplement, 8 de marzo [reseña].

“Patrician Society, plebeian culture”, Journal of Social History, n° 7, verano.

“A question of manners”, New Society, 11 de julio.

“Mary Wollstonecraft”, New Society, 19 de septiembre [reseña].


“A nice place to visit”, New York Review of Books, 6 de febrero.

“Time on the Cross”, TLS, 4 de julio.

Whigs and Hunters: the origins of the black act. Londres: Allen Lane/Nueva York:Pantheon Books.

Détene and Disarmament. In: COATES, K (org.). Détene and Socialist Democracy: a discussion with Roy Medvedev. Notingham: Spokesman.

The meaning of Solidarity. In: PELIKAN, Jüri. (Et. Al.). Civil and Academic Freedom In the USSR and Eastern Europe. Nottingham: Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation/Spokesman Books.


The Grid of Inheritance. In: Family and Inheritance: Rural Society in Western Society (1200-1800). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [con Jack Goody y Joan Thirsk].

“On History, Sociology and Historical Relevance”, British Journal of Sociology, vol. 27, n° 3, septiembre [reseña].

“Romanticism, Utopianism, and Moralism: The Case of William Morris”, New Left Review, n° 99, setiembre/octubre.

“The Marx Claimants”, The Guardian, 16 de septiembre.

“An Interview with E. P. Thompson”, Radical History Review, n° 3 [entrevista].


“Caudwell”, Socialist Register, n° 14.

“English Daughter”, New Society, 5 de marzo [reseña].

La formación histórica de la clase obrera: Inglaterra: 1780-1832. Barcelona: Laia.

Response to Tony Benn. In: COATES, K. SINGLETON, F (org.). The Just Society. Nottinham: Spokesman Press.

“Happy families”, New Society, n° 8, septiembre [reseña].

Willliam Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary. Londres: Merlin Press. Nuevo prefacio y post scriptum.


“Folklore, Anthropology and Social History”, Indian Historical Review, n° III (2), enero.

“The Politics of the Judiciary”, TLS, 27 de enero.

“Eighteenth-Century English Society: Class Struggle without Class?”, Social History, n° III, mayo.

The poverty of theory and other essays. Londres: The Merlin Press.

“The State and its enemies”, New Society, 19 de octubre.

“The State within the State”, New Statesman, 10 de noviembre.

“The Nehru Tradition”, Guardian, 16 de noviembre.

“Sold like a sheep for £ 1”, New Society, 14 de diciembre [reseña].


“Recovering the libertarian tradition”, The Leveller, n° 22, enero [entrevista].

Tradición, revuelta y consciencia de clase. Barcelona: Crítica.

“An Elisabethan Diary”, Vole, febrero.

“The Acceptable Faces of Marxism”, The Observer, 4 de febrero.

“Comment on Common values? An argument”, Stand, n° 20.

“Commitment and Poetry”, Stand, n° 20.

“Edgell Rickword”, Poetry Nation Review, Suplemento 28, 6 (1).

“On the new issue of postage stamps”, New Society, 8 de noviembre.

“Law and order and the police”, New Society, 15 de noviembre.

“The rule of the judges”, New Society, 22 de noviembre.

“Trial by jury”, New Society, 29 de noviembre.

“Anarchy and culture”, New Society, 6 de diciembre.

“The end of an episode?”, New Society, 13 de diciembre.

“An alternative to Doomsday”, New Statesman, 21-28 de diciembre.


“A Show for the European Theatre?”, The Guardian, 23 de febrero.

“The common people and the law”, New Society, 24 de julio.

“Danger of being too clever by half”, The Guardian, 10 de agosto.

“Notes on Exterminism: The Last Stage of Civilisation”, NLR, n° 121, invierno.

“Thinking about the New Movement”, END Bulletin, n° 1.

Writing by Candlelight. Londres: The Merlin Press.

Protest and Survive. Middlesex: Penguin Books.

Albion’s Fatal Tree. Londres: Peguin [con D. Hay y P. Linebaugh].

Exterminism and Cold War. Londres: Verso. [et al]

Protest and Survive. CND y Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation [folleto].


“Letter to America”, The Nation, 24 enero.

“Europe Reborn. An Interview with E. P. Thompson”, Peace News, 15 de mayo [entrevista].

“European Nuclear Disarmament: an interview with E. P. Thompson”, The Socialist Review, n° 58 [entrevista].

“Proposals for Discussion”, END Bulletin, n° 5, verano.

“Rough Music et charivari. Quelques réflexions compleméntaires”, Civilisations et Sociétés, n° 67.

“Eurozone Reality”, Sanity, n° 5, octubre-noviembre.

A Miséria da Teoria. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.

The Politics of Theory. In: SAMUEL, R (org.). People’s History and Socialist Theory. Londres: Routledge & Keagan Paul.

An alternative to Doomsday. In: THOMPSON, E. P. (Et. Al.). Britain and the Bomb. The New Statesman papers on destruction and disarmament. Londres: New Statesman.

Beyond the superpowers. In: THOMPSON, E. P. (Et. Al.). Britain and the Bomb. The New Statesman papers on destruction and disarmament. Londres: New Statesman.

East-West Dissidents: a conversation on disarmament [con Roy Medvedev] In: COATES, Ken. (Et. Al.). Eleventh Hour for Europe. Nottingham: Spokesman Books.

“Protest and Survive”, Monthly Review, diciembre.


“Where do you stand?”, New Socialist, n° 3, enero-febrero [entrevista].

“Foreword, Charter 77”, END Bulletin, n° 8, primavera.

“The War of Thatcher’s Face”, The Times, 29 de abril.

“Deterrence and Addiction”, Yale Review, n° 72, octubre.

Zero Option. Londres: Merlin Press.

A Mid-Atlantic Moderate In: CLARKE, Michael; MOWLAM, Marjorie. Debate on Disarmament. Londres: Routledge and Keagan Paul.


The New Hungarian Peace Movement. Londres: Merlin-END.

The Defence of Britain: a Sequel to Protest and Survive. Londres: Merlin/ END [folleto].

Infant and Emperor: poems for Christmas. Londres: Merlin Press [folleto].

“Nuclear weapons, the arms race and the peace movement”, California Living, 11 de septiembre [entrevista].

“Will 1983 end in darkness for Europe?”, Sanity, n° 12, diciembre.

Infant and Emperor Poems for Christmas, London, Merlin.


“Revolution in a Cold Climate”, END Journal, n° 8, febrero-marzo.

“Bumpy but beneficial”, END Journal, n° 9, abril-mayo.

“E. P. Thompson replies to Sabata”, New Statesman, 4 de mayo.

“Conversando con E. P. Thompson”, En Peu de Pau, junio-septiembre [entrevista].

“Interview with Michael Merrill, em H. Abelove et al. (org.)”, Visions of History, New York, Pantheon [entrevista].

Beyond the blocs: non-aligned peace, an interview with E. P. Thompson, Edmonton, East-European Solidarity Committee.

“Por un continente democrático y pacífico”, Mientras Tanto, n° 21, diciembre.


“Agenda: The Ideological Delirium with Strikes Chords in the Worst Traditions of American Populism”, Guardian, 18 de febrero.

Double Exposure. Londres: The Merlin Press.

Exterminismo e Guerra Fria. San Pablo: Brasiliense [con Mike Davis, Noam Chomsky, Rudolf Bahro, Alan Wolfe, Roy Medvedev]

“East and West Europe belong to the same culture”, The Listener, 13 de junio [entrevista].

Star Wars. Middlesex: Peguin Books.

Star Wars: Self-Destruct Incorporated. Londres: Merlin Press [folleto]

The Heavy Dancers. Londres: The Merlin Press.

“Five years on”, END Journal, n° 16/17, verano.


“Entrevista: La Campaña del Referéndum. Edward Thompson: Si España sale de la OTAN, aumentará la seguridad española y mundial”, El País, 24 de febrero.

Mad Dogs: the U. S. raids on Lybia. Londres: Pluto [con Mary Kaldor].

Visit to Spain, 20-24 February, Discurso de E. P. Thompson en Barcelona durante la campaña sobre el referendum OTAN.

“Una Europa sin bloques, una España neutral”, Mientras Tanto, n° 25, febrero.

“Perspectivas para la paz”, En Pie de Paz, n° 1.

“The Pie Isn’t in the Sky: Look Who’s Really Behind Star Wars”, The Nation, 1 de marzo.

“Memories of Tagore”, London Review of Books, n° 8, 22 de mayo.

“Agendas for Radical History”, Radical History Review, n° 36.

“26 July 1987, Court Appeal: the Public Interest v. the Interested Public, Ex parte the Fourth State”, London Review of Books, n° 8, 4 de septiembre.

“The Reasons of the Yahoo”, Yale Review, n° 75, octubre.

“Changing the Nature of Politics”, END Journal, n° 19.

“Subduing the jury”, London Review of Books, n° 8, 4 de diciembre.

Powers and Names, London Review of Books, n° 8, 23 de enero [poema].

“Eurocentrism, Indocentrism and Internationalism”, END Journal, n° 31, diciembre 1986–enero 1987.


Prospectus for a Habitable Planet. Londres: Penguin [con Dan Smith].

A Formação da Classe Operária Inglesa. 2da ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra (3 tomos).

“Diary”, London Review of Books, n° 9, 7 de mayo.

“Seconds away”, London Review of Books, n° 9, 7 de mayo.

“Protest and Revise”, END Journal, n° 37.

“Letter Against Loans to Chile”, The New York Review of Books, 11 de junio.

“On the Rant”, London Review of Books, n° 9, 9 de julio [reseña].

“Homage to Thomas McGrath”, TriQuarterly, n° 70, verano.

“On the Rant”, London Review of Books, n° 9, 1 de octubre.  


Eighteenth-Century Ranters: did they exist? In: ELEY, G. HUNT, W (org.). Reviving the English Revolution. Londres: Verso.

William Morris: de romántico a revolucionario. Valencia: IVEI.

The Saykaos Papers. Londres: Bloomsbury.

“Las dispatches from the border country: Raymond Williams”, The Nation, 5 de marzo.

“En la muerte de Raymond Williams”, Mientras Tanto, n° 34.

“Wordsworth’s crisis”, London Review of Books, n° 10, 8 de diciembre.


“Wordsworth’s crisis” [carta], London Review of Books, 11, 2 de marzo.

“Crackdown in Prague”, The New York Review of Books, 13 de abril.

“Look Forward, no Backward!”, Sanity, 5 de mayo.

La formación de la clase obrera en Inglaterra. Barcelona: Crítica. 2 tomos.


“History Turns on a New Hinge: END and Beginning”, New Statesman, 29 enero.

“Our Mission Remains: Break up the Blocks in Europe”, The Nation, agosto.

“The politics of Peace”, Aurora Online [entrevista].


Ends and Histories. In: KALDOR, M (org.). Europe from Below: An East-West dialogue. London: Verson.

The Ends of Cold War: A Rejoinder. In: BLACKBURN, Robin (Ed.). After the Fall Failure of Communism and the Future of Socialism. Londres: Verso.

“Making history: an interview with E. P. Thompson, Peace and Democracy”, News, n° 23 [entrevista].

Customs in Common. Londres: Merlin Press.

“Mixed Soviet Blessings”, The Guardian, 11 de agosto.

“The Making”, The New York Review of Books, 19 de diciembre.


Homage to Tom McGrath. In: GIBBONS, Reginald. DES PRES, Terrence (org.). Tom McGrath: life and the poem. Urbana: University of Ilinois Press.

“Perdonad si disiento”, Tiempo de Paz, n° 26, 1992-1993.


“Blake’s Tone”, London Review of Books, n° 15, 28 de enero [reseña].

“Theory and Evidence”, History Workshop Journal, n° 35.

“The Making of the Ruling Class”, Dissent, junio.

“Benevolent Mr Godwin”, London Review of Books, n° 15, 8 de julio [reseña].

“La formación de una clase dominante”, Debats, n° 45.

Alien Homage: Edward Thompson and Rabindranath Tagore. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Witness against the Beast. William Blake and the Moral Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press/New York: The New Press.


Making History. New York: The New Press.

“Hunting the Jacobin Fox”, Past and Present, n° 142.


Costumbres en común. Barcelona: Crítica.


Beyond the Frontier. The politcs of a failed mission. Bulgaria, 1944. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

“O Espírito Whig sem o Elitismo”. In: BOURDIEU, Pierre. MICELI, Sérgio. (org.). Liber 1. San Pablo: Ed. USP [entrevista].

Senhores & Caçadores. 2da ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra.


“Bases para una paz democrática”, Tiempo de Paz, n° 52-53.

Collected Poems. Editedo por Fred Inglis. Newcastle: Bloodaxe Books.


As Peculiaridades dos Ingleses e Outros Artigos. NEGRO, Antônio L. SILVA, Sérgio (org.). Campinas: Unicamp.

The Essential of E. P. Thompson. Ed. de Dorothy Thompson. Nueva York: New Press.


Costumes em Comum. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Os Românticos. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira.

Obra Esencial. Ed. de Dorothy Thompson. Barcelona: Crítica.


Los orígenes de la Ley Negra. Un episodio de la historia criminal inglesa. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.


La formación de la clase obrera en Inglaterra. Madrid: Capitán Swing.


E. P. Thompson and the Making of the New Left: essays and polemics. Ed. de Cal Winslow. Nueva York: Monthly Review Press



“Reflexões sobre Jacoby e tudo mais”, História e Perspectivas. Uberlândia (55): 13-26, jul./dic. 2016.


E. P. Thompson: panfletário antifascista. Fortaleza: Plebeu Gabinete de Leitura.