D. McLellan. The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969

David McLellan. The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx.

New York: Praeger – Londres: MacMillan, 1969.

ix, 170 páginas.

Edición en castellano, Marx y los jóvenes hegelianos. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1971. 186 páginas. Traducción: Marcial Suárez.




1 – The Beginnings of the Hegelian School

a – The School after Hegel’s Death

b – Social and Economic Background

2 – The Young Hegelians

a – General Characteristics

b – Transition from Thought to Action – August von Cieszkowski

c – Foundation of the ‘Hallische Jahrbücher’ and the Beginnings of the Young Hegelian Movement

d – The ‘Rheinische Zeitung’

e – The Young Hegelians and Hegel’s Dialectic

f – The Young Hegelians and Religion

g – The Young Hegelians and Politics

h – Contemporary Influence of the Young Hegelians

i – Government Reaction

j – The Young Hegelians as a Political Party

k – Split in the Young Hegelian Movement

3 – The Founding of the Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher and the Origins of German Socialism

a – The Beginnings of the Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher

b – The Origins of Socialism in Germany

c – The Failure of the Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher

d – Marx’s Break with Ruge and the End of the Young Hegelian Movement


1 – Sketch of Bauer’s Life and Writings

2 – Bauer and Hegel

3 – Bauer and Christianity

4 – Self-consciousness and Criticism

5 – Alienation

6 – Bauer’s View of the State

7 – Bauer’s Influence on Marx

8 – Marx’s Break with the Freien

9 – Bauer and Marx on the Jewish Question

10 – Bauer and the ‘Einleitung zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie’

11 – Edgar Bauer and Marx


1 – Feuerbach’s Early Writings

2 – Das Wesen des Christentums

3 – Influence of Das Wesen des Christentums

4 – ‘Vorlaüfige Thesen’ and ‘Grundsätze’

5 – Influence of the ‘Thesen’ and ‘Grundsätze’ on Marx

6 – Differences between Marx and Feuerbach


1 – Stirner’s Life and Works

2 – Stirner versus Feuerbach

3 – Stirner and Marx


1 – Early Life and First Book: Die heilige Geschichte der Menschheit

2 – The Europäische Triarchie

3 – Hess and the Rheinische Zeitung

4 – Essays in 21 Bogen aus der Schweiz

5 – Hess and the Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher

6 – Hess from 1844 to 1848