David Barclay – Eric Weitz, eds. Between Reform and Revolution. German Socialism and Communism from 1840 to 1990.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999

David Barclay – Eric Weitz, editors. Between Reform and Revolution. German Socialism and Communism from 1840 to 1990. 

Nueva York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1998.

Reimpresiones: 2002, 2005, 2009.

596 páginas.

El poderoso impacto del socialismo y el comunismo en la historia alemana moderna es el tema que exploran los colaboradores de este volumen. Mientras que las investigaciones anteriores han tendido a centrarse en aspectos políticos, intelectuales y biográficos, este libro recoge, por primera vez, la diversidad y riqueza metodológica y temática de los trabajos actuales sobre la historia de la clase obrera alemana y los movimientos políticos que surgieron de ella. Basada en contribuciones originales de estudiosos estadounidenses, británicos y alemanes, esta colección aborda un amplio abanico de temas y problemas.


Introduction / David E. Barclay – Eric D. Weitz

1 – Diagnosing the “German Misery”: Radicalism and the Problem of National Character, 1830 to 1848 / Warren Breckman

2 – Working-Class Politics at the Crossroads of Conservatism, Liberalism, and Socialism / Hermann Beck

3 – The Lassallean Labor Movement in Germany: Organization, Social Structure, and Associational Life in the 1860s / Toni Offermann

4 – Bürger and Workers: Liberalism and the Labor Movement in Germany, 1848 to 1914 / Ralf Roth

5 – “Genossen und Genossinnen”: Depictions of Gender, Militancy, and Organizing in the German Socialist Press, 1890-1914 / Mary Jo Maynes

6 – The Social Democratic Electorate in Imperial Germany / Jonathan Sperber

7 – Latent Reformism and Socialist Utopia: The SPD in Göttingen, 1890 to 1920 / Adelheid von Saldern

8 – A Social Republic? Social Democrats, Communists, and the Weimar Welfare State, 1919 to 1933 / David F. Crew

9 – The Iron Front: Weimar Social Democracy between Tradition and Modernity / Donna Harsch

10 – Communism and the Public Spheres of Weimar Germany / Eric D. Weitz

11 – The Rise and Fall of Red Saxony / William Carl Mathews

12 – Cultural Socialism, the Public Sphere, and the Mass Form: Popular Culture and the Democratic Project, 1900 to 1934 / Geoff Eley

13 – The Social Origins of Unity Sentiments in the German Socialist Underground, 1933 to 1936 / Gerd-Rainer Horn

14 – Communist Resistance between Comintern Directives and Nazi Terror / Beatrix Herlemann

15 – Rethinking Social Democracy, the State, and Europe: Rudolf Hilferding in Exile, 1933 to 1941 / David E. Barclay

16 – Ordnungsmacht and Mitbestimmung: The Postwar Labor Unions and the Politics of Reconstruction / Diethelm Prowe

17 – The Soviets, the German Left, and the Problem of “Sectarianism” in the Eastern Zone, 1945 to 1949 / Norman Naimark

18 – Pronatalism, Nationbuilding, and Socialism: Population Policy in the SBZ/DDR, 1945 to 1960 / Atina Grossmann

19 – German Social Democracy and European Unification, 1945 to 1955 / Dietrich Orlow

20 – The Politics of Culture and the Culture of Everyday Life in the DDR in the 1950s / Anna-Sabine Ernst

21 – Social Democratic Gender Policies, the Working-Class Milieu, and the Culture of Domesticity in West Germany in the 1950s and 1960s / Hanna Schissler

22 – Is the SPD Still a Labor Party? From “Community of Solidarity” to “Loosely Coupled Anarchy” / Peter Lösche

23 – Good-bye to All That: The Passing of German Communism and the Rise of a New New Left / Eric D. Weitz

Selective Bibliography