Gregory Elliott. Ends in Sight.

Biblioteca /  2000-2009 Gregory Elliott. Ends in Sight. Marx / Fukuyama / Hobsbawm / Anderson. Londres:…

Kenneth Lapides, ed. Marx and Engels on the Trade Unions.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989   1990-1999 Kenneth Lapides, editor. Marx and Engels on the Trade Unions. Nueva York: Praeger,…

John Moses. Trade Union Theory from Marx to Walesa.

Nueva York: Berg, 1990.

Émile Bottigelli. Genèse du socialisme scientifique.

París: Éditions sociales, 1967.

Robert Heiss. Hegel – Kierkegaard – Marx.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969   1970-1979 Robert Heiss. Die grossen Dialektiker des 19. Jahrhunderts. Hegel – Kierkegaard –…

Wolfgang Eckhardt. The First Socialist Schism.

Biblioteca / 2010-2019 Wolfgang Eckhardt. The First Socialist Schism. Bakunin vs. Marx in the International Working…

Jacques Godechot. Les Révolutions de 1848.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Jacques Godechot. Les Révolutions de 1848. París: Albin Michel, 1971. 500 páginas. Table des…

Hal Draper. Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979   200-2009 Hal Draper. Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Nueva York: Monthly Review Press,…

Karl Marx. Notebook on the Paris Commune.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Karl Marx. Notebook on the Paris Commune. Press Excerpts & Notes. Berkeley, Calif.:…

C.L.R. James. Notes on Dialectics.

Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Co., 1980.