Michael Jaworskyj (ed.) Soviet Political Thought: An Anthology.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969

Michael Jaworskyj (ed.) Soviet Political Thought: An Anthology.  

Primera edición, Baltimore, Maryland, Johns Hopkins Press, 1967, 635 páginas. Selección y traducción por Michael Jaworskyj.



INTRODUCTION: Philosophical Assumptions Underlying Soviet Political Thought

The Scope and Nature of the Marxist Dialectical Method

Philosophical Materialism

Dialectical Materialism

       Engels’ Interpretation of Dialectical Laws

       Lenin’s Interpretation of Dialectical Laws

       Stalin’s Interpretation of Dialectical Materialism

Historical Materialism

       The Materialist Theory of History

       Necessity and Freedom

       The Theory of Basis and Superstructure

       The Nature of Ideology

       The Marxist Conception of Social Classes

       The Principle of Partisanship




The Revolution, Law, and the Courts. Lunacharskii, 1917

The Goals and Methods of the Proletarian Revolution. Goikhbarg, 1918

Law and Crime: Their Origin and the Conditions of Their Elimination. Kozlovskii, 1918

«Law and Right Are Inherited Like an Eternal Disease.» Stuchka, 1919

«Dialectical Realism » as a Method of Cognition of Social Phenomena. Magerovskii, 1922

The Marxist Class Theory of Law. Stuchka, 1922

Law, Socialism, and State Capitalism in the Transition Period. Magerovskii, 1922

Inconsistencies in the Marxist Theory of Basis and Superstructure. Stuchka, 1923

A Normative Conception of Law: Podvolotskii versus Stuchka. Podvolotskii, 1923

Law as an Instrument of Class Domination. Podvolotskii, 1923

The Withering Away of Law. Podvolotskii, 1923

Civil Liberties: A Bourgeois Deception. Podvolotskii, 1923

Justice, the Ideology of Law, and Revolution. Goikhbarg, 1924

«The Narrow Horizon of Bourgeois Law.» Pashukanis, 1924

Morality, Law, and Justice. Pashukanis, 1924

Toward a Marxist Conception of Law and State. Krylenko, 1924

The Affinity between Some Bourgeois and Marxist Theories of Law. Rubinshtein, 1924

The Law and Communism. Krylenko, 1924

Bourgeois and Marxist Conceptions of State. Ksenofontov, 1924

Anarchism and Marxism. Veger, 1924

The Conflict between Socialist Theory and Soviet Reality. Krylenko, 1924

A Criticism of Kelsen’s Interpretation of the Marxist Theory of State, Anarchism, and Communism. Volfson, 1924

The Proletarian State and Communism. Veger, 1924

Revolution, Dictatorship, and Civil Freedom. Ksenofontov, 1924

Proletarian Justice. Vyshinskii, 1925

Law Is Not a Recipe for Soap Boiling. Ilinskii, 1925

A Critical Review of Soviet Theories of Law. Kornilov, 1925

The Supremacy of Law as a Negation of Individualism. Ilinskii, 1925

The Nature of Ideology. Razumovskii, 1925

Economic Rights under Socialism. Uspenskii, 1925

Revolution, Law, and Power. Naumov, 1926

Communism and Law. Naumov, 1926

The Last Act of the State: It Withers Away. Stuchka, 1926

Bourgeois or Proletarian Law in the Transition Period. Naumov, 1926

A Critique of Legal Nihilism. Naumov, 1926

Determinism, Freedom, and Legal Responsibility. Razumovskii, 1929

Against the Revision of the Marxist Theory of State. Stalgevich, 1930

The Marxist Conception of Classes and Law. Stalgevich, 1930

The Relationship between State and Law: A Criticism of Earlier Interpretations. Lutskii, 1930




Georgian Interlude. Excerpts from a Conference on Law, 1931

The First All-Union Congress of Maxist Legal Theorists. Viktorov, 1931

Legal Ideology. Maryasin, 1931

Socialism or State Capitalism in the Soviet Union. Rezunov, 1934

Conditions for the Withering Away of the State and Law: A New Interpretation. Rezunov, 1934

State and Law under Socialism: A Reversal of Thought. Pashukanis, 1936

A «New» Approach to Socialist Law. Vyshinskii, 1938 . . . . . . 324

In Defense of the New Definition of Socialist Law. Vyshinskii, 1939

Socialist Law and Equality. Golunskii and Strogovich, 1940

The Marxist-Leninist Theory of Truth. Gak, 1940

An Appraisal of Democratic Systems after the Second World War. Trainin, 1946

The Role of Logic and Dialectics in the Theory of Law. Piontkovskii, 1947

A Dialectical Solution of the Conflict between «What Is» and «What Ought to Be.» Piontkovskii, 1947

The Principal Problems of Legal Theory. Vyshinskii, 1948

A Criticism of the «Normativist» Approach to Law. Stalgevich, 1948

Elements of Bourgeois Ideology in the Soviet Theory of Law. Aleksandrov, 1948

The Principle of Partisanship. Arzhanov, 1949

Communism, State, and Law: A Stalinist Interpretation. Arzhanov, 1949

Socialist Law as an Expression of the People’s Will. Yampolskaya, 1951

Communist Morality. Kareva, 1951

The Significance of Stalin’s Marxism and Problems of Linguistics to Political Theory. Kechekyan, 1952




The Relationship of Economic Basis to Political Superstructure. Konstantinov, 1955

Marxism-Leninism as an «Objective Truth»: An Argument against Dogmatism and Relativism. Fedoseev, 1955

The Unity of Contradictions under Socialism. Rozhin and Tugarinov, 1957

Objective and Subjective Rights. Piontkovskii, 1958

A Reappraisal of Stalin’s Interpretation of the Dialectical Laws. Lebedev, 1958

A Rejoinder to «The Revisionist Myth about the Liberation of Science from Ideology. » Kammari, 1958

A Reply to Western Critics of «Socialist Democracy.» Selektor, 1958

The Unity of Individual and State Interests under Socialism. Selektor, 1958

A Rejoinder to Bourgeois Critics of Marxist Dialectics. Shtraks, 1959

Religious and Communist Morality. Prokofev, 1959

The Clerical Apology of «People’s Capitalism.» Velikovich, 1960

Modern Capitalism and Economic Crisis. Collective Authorship, 1960

Repudiation of the Revisionist View on Dictatorship, Democracy, Communism, and the State. Platkovskii, 1960

Historical Necessity and Man’s Conscious Activity. Collective Authorship, 1960

Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophy and a World Outlook. Collective Authorship, 1960

On Communist Society: Its Immediate and Future Prospects. Collective Authorship, 1960

A New Type of Man under Socialism. Tugarinov, 1960

A Critique of the Theory of the «Synthesis» of the Socialist and Bourgeois Systems. Zivs, 1960

A Repudiation of «Ethical Socialism.» Gorina, 1960

The Idea of Historical Change and Progress. Kon, 1960

A Soviet View of «Pluralist Democracy. » Guliev, 1961

A Critique of Western Ethical Relativism. Shvartsman, 1961

Science and Morality: A Marxist Interpretation. Shishkin, 1961

Dictatorship and the State during the Transition from Socialism to Communism. Lepeshkin, 1961

War and Revolution. Butenko, 1961

Name Index

Subject Index

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