Royden Harrison. Before the Socialists.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969 Royden Harrison. Before the Socialists. Studies in Labour and Politics, 1861-1881. Londres: Routledge…

Peter Faulkner, editor. William Morris.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Peter Faulkner, editor. William Morris. The Critical Heritage. Londres/Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul,…

Peter Faulkner. Against the Age.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 Peter Faulkner. Against the Age. An Introduction to William Morris. Londres: Allen &…

Paul Thompson. The Work of William Morris.

Biblioteca / 1960-1969   1990-1999 Paul Thompson. The Work of William Morris. Nueva York: The Viking Press,…

Raphael Samuel, ed. History Workshop.

Biblioteca / 1990-1999 Raphael Samuel, editor. History Workshop. A Collectanea 1967-1991 Oxford: History Workshop, 1991. 230…

Albistur – Armogathe. Histoire du féminisme français.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 Maïté Albistur – Daniel Armogathe. Histoire du féminisme français. Du Moyen Âge à…

James Hulse. Revolutionists in London.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 James Hulse. Revolutionists in London. A Study of Five Unorthodox Socialists. Oxford: Clarendon Press,…

Mommsen – Husung, eds. The Development of Trade Unionism in Great Britain and Germany, 1880-1914.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 Wolfgang Mommsen – Hans-Gerhard Husung, editors. The Development of Trade Unionism in Great Britain…

David Rubinstein, ed. People for the People.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 David Rubinstein, editor. People for the People. Radical Ideas & Personalities in British History.…

John Moses. Trade unionism in Germany from Bismarck to Hitler, 1869-1933.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989 John Moses. Trade Unionism in Germany from Bismarck to Hitler, 1869-1933. Londres: George Prior…