Guillermo Figari. Argentina y América Latina: conflictos e integración.

Buenos Aires: CEAL, 1991.

Eduardo Astesano. Historia social de América.

Buenos Aires: Peña Lillo, 1982.

Edward P. Thompson (Oxford, 1924-Worcester, 1993)


E. P. Thompson: panfletário antifascista.

Fortaleza: Plebeu Gabinete de Leitura, 2019.

Scott Hamilton. The Crisis of Theory: E. P. Thompson, the New Left and postwar British politics.

Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011.

Antoinette Burton – Stephanie Fortado, eds. E. P. Thompson and the Making of the English Working Class.

Nueva York: Berghahn Books, 2021.

Stephen Woodhams. History in the Making. Raymond Williams, Edward Thompson and Radical Intellectuals, 1936-1956.

Londres: Merlin Press, 2001.

Edward P. Thompson. Making of the English Working Class.

Londres: Victor Gollancz, 1963.

Staughton Lynd. Doing History from the Bottom Up.

Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2014.

Cal Winslow, ed. E. P. Thompson and the Making of the New Left.

Nueva York: Monthly Review Press, 2014.