Richard Evans, ed. The German Working Class, 1888-1933. The Politics of Everyday Life.

Biblioteca / 1980-1989

Richard Evans, editor. The German Working Class, 1888-1933. The Politics of Everyday Life.

Londres: Croom Helm; Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble, 1982.

x, 259 páginas.

2da edición, Londres: Routledge, 2019.



1 – Introduction: the Sociological Interpretation of German Labour History / Richard J. Evans

2 – Working-class Crime and the Labour Movement: Pilfering in the Hamburg Docks, 1888-1923 / Michael Grüttner

3 – Drink and the Labour Movement: the Schnaps Boycott of 1909 / James S. Roberts

4 – Steel, Sabotage and Socialism: the Strike at the 108 Dortmund ‘Union’ Steel Works in 1911 / David F. Crew

5 – Illegitimacy and the Working Class: Illegitimate Mothers in Brunswick, 1900-1933 / Stefan Bajohr

6 – Organising the ‘Lumpenproletariat’: Cliques and Communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic / Eve Rosenhaft

7 – Identifying Militancy: the Assessment of Working-class Attitudes towards State and Society / Dick Geary